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Oblivion Vs Morrowind


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  oblivion234 said:
on morowind fighting is harder


I venture to say because morrowind fighting was disjointed and tedious.


Before I say anything else, I would like to say that I played morrowind and oblivion for many, many hours. After giving each game a fair and lengthy trial, I preferred Oblivion.


A previous poster said that many features in oblivion(like horses) were corrected in morrowind via modifications. In oblivion's defense, many of the modded in features in Morrowind were good, but crudely done. Though i do have to say, Pegs Horse ranch did include mounted combat.


It should also be said that Morrowind has had 4 years(and quickly approaching 5) to have expansions and large scale mods developed. Unless you're a Roman and count inclusively, Oblivion has not been out for 3 full months. Oblivion would be best assessed after an expansion is released or after the 1 year mark.

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Agreed. While I am leaning towards the skeptical/dislike on Oblivion, I realize that it's not even been out that long. In all honesty, I should have just waited for three years and then bought the game. I would have saved thirty dollars and the nuisance of waiting for TC's, expansions, and quality mods. So I do believe that it is unfair to critique in it's entireity right now, but it IS fair to critique Oblivion as a stand-alone game, without mods or expansions. Vanilla Oblivion is, IMHO, not as good as Vanilla MW. However, Non-Vanilla Oblivion may beat the hell out of Non-Vanilla MW depending on how far the Modding community and Expansion packs are willing to take Oblivion. It has potential, enormous potential, it is just dissapointing that the Beth Team didn't bother to exploit or make use of it. That, and they consolized the game. It doesn't feel like a PC game in many areas, which (as a PC gamer) makes it feel less sincere and a little too campy/dumbed down.
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You are right ancalagon.[i take it you came up with that name on your own with absolutely no influence from the silmarillion? ;) ]


Many, many of morrowind's staunch, fight-to-the-last-man defenders often cite features in morrowind that were added in Tribunal and Bloodmoon. These include factions, werewolves etc.


Standing in Oblivion's defense is that the mod community has access to much more powerful tools to develop dungeons, armour etc. Here is the most promising dungeon: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.p...3753&hl=dungeon



(that is a bridge...an actual, useable bridge)



hall Entrance hall


another hall Another major interior hall

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That looks very good. Which mod is that? I like how it's not generic looking. I miss the old enormous Chasms and Abyssal caves from MW. That seems to quench my thirst enough though. And yes, I did read the Sil. :D
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  Ancalagon said:
That looks very good. Which mod is that? I like how it's not generic looking. I miss the old enormous Chasms and Abyssal caves from MW. That seems to quench my thirst enough though. And yes, I did read the Sil. :D


The mod had now name. It was just "a huge dungeon".


It sure as hell isn't a generic dungeon. Did you see the bridge? And the halls? This dungeon is easily the largest I have seen.

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I agree with Ancalagon totally..

Without the possibility of modding oblivion wouldnt go near morrowind..so great thanks to all who invent time in modding!


and my 2 cents..

voice acting, Its one thing that dialogues are simplified, shortened because of size, but how it was done is terrible..english isnt my first language, but to me it sounded like it was written by a ten year old child...Aaand was read out by his mom and dad in a way to please this kid..

mimics are just hilarious..


About the main plot of Oblivion,it started out like it will be something interesting, but soon it wanted to be soo coool that a kindergarden fairytale bears more sense..and again its all ruined even more with the ridiculous voices..

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  _Atti_ said:
voice acting


My main grudge is that they only had 4-5 voice actors it seems... so basically if you close your eyes in the middle of a city, it feels like there are same people talking all over the place... and at the same time.

... :ph34r: THEY ARE STALKING ME!!! :ohmy:


Another one is that same person can sometimes speak with different voice in the same conversation. Many times I had things like that happen: I would initiate a convo with a homeless guy, he would start out with a cranky voice "Spare a coin...", then once I give him a coin he changes his voice to a young and energetic sounding one "Thank you, blah, blah", then when I ask him about Rumors, he goes on with a more of an adult voice... the damn male without a father is playing with my mind! :wacko:

One of the worst one was when you do the "*something* moth" quest for Thiefs guild - when you speak to one of the monks he switches his voice every new sentence, lol. In fact, if I remember correctly, when you ask him something he answers in about 3 sentences and each sentence is spoken by a different voice actor! :dry:

Actually, I think there is a short clip of that conversation somewhere on either youtube or google videos, unless it was removed.


They really should've straightened the voices out :\

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  entity said:
...Another one is that same person can sometimes speak with different voice in the same conversation. ...

Two words: Jermane brothers. Halfway through their exchange, I lost track of who was saying what.



One of the worst one was when you do the "*something* moth" quest for Thiefs guild - when you speak to one of the monks he switches his voice every new sentence, lol. In fact, if I remember correctly, when you ask him something he answers in about 3 sentences and each sentence is spoken by a different voice actor! :dry:

Gildorian of Silverholme-on-the-Water is guilty of this as well, when speaking of the Forlorn Watchman. You can easily tell what was appended. The kicker is, the stuff they shoe-horned in could have done without. Bethesda may have designed the game for the lowest common denominator, but we didn't need that much explanation into a ghost story.


The worst of the worst, in my opinion, is the voicing of the female Redguards. The tone and delivery— it sounds like she's a kindergarten teacher reading dialogue to a class of rugrats.


The voice work for the Imperial males is as overt in its ham-fisted delivery. But, sadly, it does sort of fit the role required.


One honest/earnest question: did they hire Ed McMahon to voice the Nord/Orc men? When I earn a quest reward from one of these guys, I half-expect to get an oversized novelty check from Publishers' Clearing House!

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Morowind because of better items and quests.Oblivion easier fighting and graphics.Both have good AI.Good games.
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