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Skyrim Time = Real Time


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Allways when I walk around in skyrim I wonder if it would be so hard to make a mod that sets your games time to the time of your pc. So after locking up the nexus page with no result Iwant to ask you, the

ambitious moder is this possible? Because in my opinion it would not just ad alot of imersion to skyrim, but you would also not longer walk around a city at night, with your head 10 cm away from your monitor to see some detail.

Thanks to all the moders srill making skyrim awesome !








(every spelling mistake is wanted)

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It wouldn't be as easy as you think. I mean, it's possible to edit the timescale in Skyrim by using the console, it's very easy actually. However, by going beyond a certain point (I think it's anything below 6) you can really bork your game. How you ask? Heres how: every NPC and questgiver has an AI package, these packages contain their behaviour as well as their schedule (as in, their daily routine). By editing the timescale in Skyrim below 6 - you will disrupt their AI packages, their schedules will be disrupted and quests may never start, some NPC's will become lost or have trouble performing simple tasks (walking past rocks, opening doors, etc). If you're interested in editing the timescales, there are mods you can use. As well as console commands.


The mods:









The console command (the values you choose could be anywhere bwteen 10 - 6:


set timescale "enter desired value here without quotation marks"

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