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How moddable is this game?


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I'm considering getting the game as another thing to take up my time modding, but before I do, I need to know how moddable it is. Is it like Oblivion modding with the ability to create full objects and arrangements or like Neverwinter Nights modding where you lay out things on a grid?
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It is moddable. However, we're still learning a lot about how to do so, and having to MAKE some of the tools necessesary for it.

One thing I will say, if you start trying to mod this game.... FORGET about 3/4 of what you know about Oblivion or NWN. This game is 70 - 85% NOTHING like either of them.

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It is moddable. However, we're still learning a lot about how to do so, and having to MAKE some of the tools necessesary for it.

One thing I will say, if you start trying to mod this game.... FORGET about 3/4 of what you know about Oblivion or NWN. This game is 70 - 85% NOTHING like either of them.



Some of the toolset is very easy to pick up. Alot of the toolset is cryptic, with zero to outdated information. Most of it is trial and error. It can be frustrating at times especially when you have an idea, but have no clue how to impliment it via the toolset. Also, it helps if you understand programming language because alot of the features on the toolset is script / plot driven. For a novice like myself, it was days and weeks of banging my head on the keyboard.


it's a robust toolset however... the entire dragon age game is made from the toolset. One thing I know is the toolset provides most of the functions, but to fully execute 'market - release' quality, you need additional downloads which Bioware did not package with the toolset. For example, lightmapping tool must be downloaded off the net somewhere (not provided), but it only reads 1 version, which is now hard to find.

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It is moddable. However, we're still learning a lot about how to do so, and having to MAKE some of the tools necessesary for it.

One thing I will say, if you start trying to mod this game.... FORGET about 3/4 of what you know about Oblivion or NWN. This game is 70 - 85% NOTHING like either of them.



Some of the toolset is very easy to pick up. Alot of the toolset is cryptic, with zero to outdated information. Most of it is trial and error. It can be frustrating at times especially when you have an idea, but have no clue how to impliment it via the toolset. Also, it helps if you understand programming language because alot of the features on the toolset is script / plot driven. For a novice like myself, it was days and weeks of banging my head on the keyboard.


it's a robust toolset however... the entire dragon age game is made from the toolset. One thing I know is the toolset provides most of the functions, but to fully execute 'market - release' quality, you need additional downloads which Bioware did not package with the toolset. For example, lightmapping tool must be downloaded off the net somewhere (not provided), but it only reads 1 version, which is now hard to find.


Man, I can relate...and I am just tryin to make weapons!

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Someone should make playable mods instead =( i'm so sad, of all the modders, i'm the only person who is making mods that integrate into the main campaign for play!!!


Whats with everyone making leliana morphs or importing new weapon/armor x10000 times. sigh.


After I get done making my own adventure mod, I dont even have the desire to play through it because I've played it 100x during testing phase. Sooo sad.. Stardusk I think you should make an adventure mod instead!

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Oh, and lets not forget that half the scripts that actually work ALL the time for those weapons, DONT get used, because they make weapons EVERY game load. So we've got a bunch of stuff that has buggy spawning on characters. Honestly.... how hard is it to figure out to write that script to load on a vendor so that it doesnt clog up the inventory of the player, and give them an endless supply of sellables?

(tho I shouldnt talk, I cant figure out what the dwarf's freaking name is in camp to add it to the script) *dry*


There's all those morphs out, because they are relatively easy. In comparison to some of this stuff, its a cakewalk. That and after somebody makes a face for their characters, they inevitably want to have somebody compliment them on it. Its simple human nature there.


K, you shouldnt listen to us. We're complaining, griping, and b!tchin.


Yeah, the game IS moddable. But its not something that you're gonna be jumping into headfirst. Regardless of what other games you've modded in the past. You're gonna have to take babysteps, unless you are the king of intuition, and a genious, to boot.

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Hmm, I could take it up just to be able to declare myself a genius.. Then again, I think I'll wait 'til I have some really good ideas for it.


Considering that toolset crashes and doesn't load half the time, it makes the game less moddable.


But you are young.


I wish I were as young as you. :confused:

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