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mOnKeE bEaNs!i!i!i!i o.O


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Session Start: Sun Sep 14 00:00:47 2003

Session Ident: #memod

[00:00] * Now talking in #memod

[00:00] * Topic is 'The Official Middle-Earth Mod for Morrowind chatroom - http://www.memod.co.uk/'

[00:00] * Set by ChanServ on Tue Sep 02 16:36:21

[00:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o LordOverkill

[00:01] <LordOverkill> monkees!!!

[00:01] * Suzerain is'nt down. just narked at the jammy male without a father.

[00:01] <kfmccall> whos the jammy male without a father?

[00:01] <LordOverkill> mOnKeEs!!!

[00:01] <Suzerain> www.hybridfx.com

[00:01] <theta> lol - are you still in touch with that guy?

[00:01] <Suzerain> Mike Stringer. I worked with him when I was the lead writer for Suzerain.

[00:02] <theta> have you sent him any abusive e-mails? :D

[00:02] <Suzerain> theta - sort of in a occasionally bump into him in LRP events way.

[00:03] <kfmccall> what did the guy do to piss you off?

[00:03] <Ghorgareth> lo LOK

[00:03] <kfmccall> ooooh frozen pancakes with cinnamon apple

[00:04] <LordOverkill> lO mOnKeE!i!i!i o.O

[00:05] * Ghorgareth slaps Diseased_Punk around a bit with a HUGE BLOCK

[00:05] <kfmccall> ah

[00:05] <Ghorgareth> lol

[00:05] <Ghorgareth> wrong person

[00:05] <Ghorgareth> no offense DP

[00:05] <Ghorgareth> :)

[00:05] -> *chanserv* op #memod

[00:05] * LordOverkill has quit IRC (Nick collision from services.)

[00:05] * Lister_Of_Smeg is now known as LordOverkill

[00:05] * ChanServ sets mode: +o LordOverkill

[00:05] <kfmccall> ah

[00:06] <LordOverkill> mOnKeE bEaNs!!! o.O

[00:06] <Ghorgareth> Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg

[00:06] * kfmccall slaps Ghorgareth around a bit with a large trout

[00:06] * kfmccall slaps LordOverkill around a bit with a large trout

[00:06] <kfmccall> ...

[00:07] <kfmccall> sorry

[00:07] * kfmccall slaps kfmccall around a bit with a large trout

[00:07] * Ghorgareth slaps Ghorgareth around a bit with a HUGE BLOCK

[00:07] <The_Chair> slap me!

[00:07] * Ghorgareth slaps The_Chair around a bit with a small stick

[00:07] <Ghorgareth> :P

[00:07] <The_Chair> thx :P

[00:08] * LordOverkill slaps The_Chair around a bit with a mOnKeE bEaN!!!! o.O

[00:08] <The_Chair> thx again ;)

[00:09] * Greywolf has joined #memod

[00:09] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Greywolf

[00:09] <LordOverkill> hey hey

[00:09] <Ghorgareth> Lo!

[00:09] <theta> hello

[00:10] <Greywolf> hi

[00:10] <The_Chair> hi kmccall, wb lok, wb lok again, hi Grey

[00:10] <Greywolf> blah

[00:10] <The_Chair> catching up :P

[00:10] <kfmccall> my foot is tangled in wires

[00:11] <Diseased_Punk> is Dues Ex open ended?

[00:11] <LordOverkill> 7

[00:11] <Ghorgareth> more or less

[00:11] <LordOverkill> mOnKeE bEaNs!!! o.O

[00:11] <Ghorgareth> It has 3 ends

[00:11] <Ghorgareth> and all of them are open

[00:11] <Diseased_Punk> hmm

[00:11] <LordOverkill> mOnKeE bEaNs!!! o.O

[00:11] <LordOverkill> mOnKeE bEaNs!!! o.O

[00:11] <LordOverkill> mOnKeE bEaNs!!! o.O

[00:11] <kfmccall> hey whens half life 2 come out?

[00:11] <Diseased_Punk> well is the game play linear or can you wonder all around the huge...city planet whatever

[00:12] <kfmccall> deus ex 2 is going to be i think

[00:12] <kfmccall> i never played 1

[00:12] <Diseased_Punk> oh cool :D

[00:13] <Ghorgareth> I WANT DEUS EX 2

[00:13] <kfmccall> i want millions of dollars

[00:13] <kfmccall> NOW

[00:13] <Ghorgareth> I dont

[00:13] <Ghorgareth> Just causing trouble

[00:13] <LordOverkill> I wAnT mOnKeE bEaNs!i!i!i!i o.O

[00:14] * Greywolf shoves monkee beans down LOK's throat to quiet him down

[00:15] <Ghorgareth> lol

[00:15] * LordOverkill swallows the mOnKeE bEaNs!i!i!i!i o.O

[00:15] <Diseased_Punk> rofl

[00:16] * kfmccall bites off lok's head and jumps out a nearby window roaring like a lion

[00:16] <kfmccall> take that monkey beans

[00:17] * LordOverkill 's head explodes in kfmccall's mouth and mOnKeE bEaNs!i!i!i!i o.O cover the whole world

[00:17] <Diseased_Punk> that is awesome

[00:18] * Greywolf2 has joined #memod

[00:19] <kfmccall> thank god i dont have to live on in that world

[00:19] <kfmccall> what are monkee beans?

[00:20] <theta> yeah - it'll be overrun be the ninja squirrels of doom anytime now

[00:20] <LordOverkill> errr....idunno

[00:20] <kfmccall> yea then space bunnies will rain from the heavens and smite the non-believers

[00:21] <Greywolf2> don't forget the fiendish dire weasels

[00:21] <LordOverkill> then giant prototype cyborg space monkees will jump off the moon an crush the space bunnies

[00:21] <kfmccall> but the space bunnies will migrate away before the monkees invade

[00:22] <Greywolf2> besides

[00:22] <theta> but then space monkey fever will strike and mutate and depopulate the entire planet

[00:22] <Greywolf2> space bunnies have the ability to multiply into vast numbers in a number of minutes ...

[00:22] <Greywolf2> one=one million in two hours

[00:23] <LordOverkill> and thats the story of the planet of the apes :P

[00:23] <Diseased_Punk> holy poo, when your high on psuedophed these conversations start making since

[00:23] <kfmccall> lol

[00:24] <kfmccall> ever tried albuterol?

[00:24] <theta> click

[00:24] <LordOverkill> of course they do! i always make sence!!!....monkee

[00:25] <kfmccall> ANYWAY. albuterol is this drug for asthmatics, it has a slight steroid in it and makes your lungs feel like twice as big

[00:25] <Diseased_Punk> thats disturbing

[00:26] <theta> a bronchodilator?

[00:26] <LordOverkill> thats disturbing

[00:26] <Diseased_Punk> err i just had the flu

[00:26] * LordOverkill points at The_Chair

[00:26] <Diseased_Punk> not allergies

[00:26] <Diseased_Punk> though im pretty much better

[00:26] <The_Chair> what?!

[00:26] <Greywolf2> oh yeah ... feels good .... .... feel those lungs expanding ....

[00:26] * The_Chair disturbs Lok

[00:27] * LordOverkill sticks mOnKeE bEaNs!i!i!i!i o.O up vez's nose

[00:27] <theta> hey, bronchodilators are great

[00:27] * The_Chair rips off his nose and feeds it to Lok with fake cream

[00:29] * LordOverkill fills vez's throat with fake cream and sticks mOnKeE bEaNs!i!i!i!i o.O in his eyes

[00:29] <The_Chair> :P

[00:29] * The_Chair burns self

[00:29] <theta> this is getting very disturbing indeed

[00:29] <Ghorgareth> I have no idea what anyone is talking about

[00:30] <Ghorgareth> :

[00:30] <Ghorgareth> :/

[00:30] <LordOverkill> no its not! mOnKeE bEaN!i!i!i!i

[00:30] <LordOverkill> o.O

[00:30] * Diseased_Punk pukes radioactive sub-atmomic nuclear waste over all of you and vaporizes you into many many many pieces

[00:30] * LordOverkill throws mOnKeE bEaNs!i!i!i!i o.O at DP

[00:31] * theta is not impressed by a cascade of neutrinos

[00:31] * Diseased_Punk dodges

[00:31] <Diseased_Punk> haha!

[00:31] * Diseased_Punk is now known as Anti-Matter

[00:31] * Greywolf2 is untouched due to his blessing from mother earth ...

[00:31] * Anti-Matter plagues theta

[00:31] * kfmccall says diseased punk dodges into pit of fire

[00:31] * LordOverkill is now known as Auntie-Matter

[00:31] * theta throws peanuts at DP

[00:32] * Anti-Matter vaporizes the peanits

[00:32] * theta sits back and watches the annihilation event

[00:32] <Anti-Matter> er

[00:32] * kfmccall prophesizes apocalypse and flys to the moon

[00:32] * Greywolf2 eats anti-matter for plaguing theta

[00:33] <theta> it's ok - the anti-matter just self destructed

[00:33] * Auntie-Matter is now known as mOnKeE-bEaNs

[00:33] <Ghorgareth> QUIT IT!!!

[00:33] * Anti-Matter merges with Grewolf2's digestive juices and morphs into neo Anti-Matter GT

[00:33] <Ghorgareth> gaaah

[00:33] * Ghorgareth goes insane

[00:33] * kfmccall hugs ghorgareth

[00:33] <theta> umm...anti-matter merging with matter -> pure energy

[00:33] <Anti-Matter> oh yeah

[00:34] * Greywolf2 : inside however neo anti-matter GT is trapped for an eternity anyways

[00:34] * Anti-Matter is now known as Infinite_void

[00:34] <Greywolf2> great

[00:34] <Greywolf2> now I have an infinite void inside me ...

[00:34] <Greywolf2> theta ...

[00:34] <Infinite_void> :D

[00:34] <Greywolf2> do you have any potatoe chips

[00:34] <Greywolf2> I'm starving

[00:34] <theta> nope

[00:34] <Greywolf2> ... infinite void you know

[00:34] <theta> but i have chocolate cake

[00:34] <Infinite_void> lol...

[00:35] * kfmccall curses the world and turns every bag of potato chips into lok's monkee beans

[00:35] <Greywolf2> mmmmmmmm]

[00:35] <mOnKeE-bEaNs> yay!

[00:35] * Greywolf2 eat kfmcall who falls into the infinate void to be played with by its master

[00:35] <theta> hahaha

[00:35] * mOnKeE-bEaNs munches mOnKeE bEaNs!i!i!i!i o.O

[00:35] * Greywolf has quit IRC (No route to host)

[00:36] <theta> maybe somewhat should post this irc log on the forums...

[00:36] * kfmccall turns into nothing and disappears into the void never to be seen again

[00:36] <Infinite_void> good idea theta, why don't you :P

[00:36] <kfmccall> curses

[00:36] <theta> can't be bothered

[00:36] <mOnKeE-bEaNs> oooo oooo pick me!

[00:37] <Infinite_void> haha...that'd be kinda cool, someone do it :P

[00:37] <kfmccall> we should start a forum topic

[00:37] <kfmccall> just random nothingness post build up

[00:37] <Suzerain> what... the random spam topic? :P

[00:37] <theta> make sure you put it in the memod forums though

[00:37] <theta> :P

[00:38] * Greywolf2 eats mOnKeE-bEaNs

[00:38] <kfmccall> yea

[00:38] * kfmccall sees Daerk locking in near future

[00:38] * kfmccall cry

[00:38] <Greywolf2> go join kfmccall in the infinate void

[00:39] <Infinite_void> unless its posted in the offtopic area

[00:39] <Greywolf2> even then ...

[00:39] <Greywolf2> there is only so much that can be handled ...

[00:39] * theta points at the no spam clause in the off-topic section

[00:39] <Greywolf2> before ...

[00:39] <Greywolf2> LOCK

[00:39] * Greywolf2 is quite insane from weariness ...

[00:39] <Infinite_void> post it on some random everquest board

[00:39] * kfmccall grabs and bites off theta's hand jumping out a nearby window roaring like a lion yet again

[00:40] * Greywolf2 is thinking of taking over the world and turning everyone into his slave ... except Daerk of course ... not possible there ...

[00:40] * theta points out that nightshade nailvarnish might be bad for the digestion

[00:40] * kfmccall clutches heart, collapses

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