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Longer range sniper rifles\ bigger view distance?


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one annoying thing about fallout 3 is when you can see a raider in the distance, and you want to ninja-snipe him, but you can't as the sniper basically goes out-of-range.

Is there any way I can increase view distance so that long range kills were possible? I find it very annoying when the bullet literally disappears before reaching the target, and I have to move closer if I want to snipe 'em.


Oh and I tried searching the best I could.


Thanks, Thom.

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First get Auto-aim as mentioned...it's absolutely necessary IMO. If you know anything at all about the GECK, this is quite easy to do on your own. I would download a sniper weapon mod, or a mod like this one that improves the scope distance, damage, vats chance and criticals http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9072


What i then do is open that mod with the geck, go to the weapon i wanna modify (like if you prefer the Victory Rifle over the Reservist) and modify these values:


Sight FOV = 8.0 (this is the max you can set the scope to zoom in)

Spread = 0.0

Min Spread = 0.0 (these two are the bullet spread, or how accurate the gun is)

Max Range = 9999.0


Save when you're done, and make a backup BEFORE you do anything to the mod in case you screw up.



That'll get you a sniper rifle that'll hit your target as far away as your draw distance will spawn an enemy, but you still need to use the auto aim fix mod to prevent bullet rise. You put the cross hair on a head and click and something dies (or at least gets hit). Making mods can be difficult, but modifying existing mods is a piece of cake.

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First get Auto-aim as mentioned...it's absolutely necessary IMO. If you know anything at all about the GECK, this is quite easy to do on your own. I would download a sniper weapon mod, or a mod like this one that improves the scope distance, damage, vats chance and criticals http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9072


What i then do is open that mod with the geck, go to the weapon i wanna modify (like if you prefer the Victory Rifle over the Reservist) and modify these values:


Sight FOV = 8.0 (this is the max you can set the scope to zoom in)

Spread = 0.0

Min Spread = 0.0 (these two are the bullet spread, or how accurate the gun is)

Max Range = 9999.0


Save when you're done, and make a backup BEFORE you do anything to the mod in case you screw up.



That'll get you a sniper rifle that'll hit your target as far away as your draw distance will spawn an enemy, but you still need to use the auto aim fix mod to prevent bullet rise. You put the cross hair on a head and click and something dies (or at least gets hit). Making mods can be difficult, but modifying existing mods is a piece of cake.


Thanks, removing (or w/e) the auto-aim really did the trick for me, I had thought it was related to that somehow as the bullets sort of kept following a target..

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First get Auto-aim as mentioned...it's absolutely necessary IMO. If you know anything at all about the GECK, this is quite easy to do on your own. I would download a sniper weapon mod, or a mod like this one that improves the scope distance, damage, vats chance and criticals http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9072


What i then do is open that mod with the geck, go to the weapon i wanna modify (like if you prefer the Victory Rifle over the Reservist) and modify these values:


Sight FOV = 8.0 (this is the max you can set the scope to zoom in)

Spread = 0.0

Min Spread = 0.0 (these two are the bullet spread, or how accurate the gun is)

Max Range = 9999.0


Save when you're done, and make a backup BEFORE you do anything to the mod in case you screw up.



That'll get you a sniper rifle that'll hit your target as far away as your draw distance will spawn an enemy, but you still need to use the auto aim fix mod to prevent bullet rise. You put the cross hair on a head and click and something dies (or at least gets hit). Making mods can be difficult, but modifying existing mods is a piece of cake.


Thanks, removing (or w/e) the auto-aim really did the trick for me, I had thought it was related to that somehow as the bullets sort of kept following a target..


Another interesting sniping mod for you snipers that I haven't tried yet is http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5351

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Zooming weapons? I'd reccomend it!



IF you want it a bit less easy (as most sniper types do, and some of us gung-ho assault rifle users... ok so a FAL is a battle rifle... and what? Gung ho only counts if you always use full-auto? *blam* shut up) then I'd reccomend these:

Responsive Kill Reactions

You kill a guy, his friends notice. And start looking for you.


KS dynamic sneak

Makes enemies notice you further away. A good reason to snipe more, eh?

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