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Eye Candy


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If you have Wrye bash everything is still inside your bsa's.Just delete the meshes and textures for vanilla races. You could upgrade to HGEC or TGND instead of restoring vanilla.I can't remember if OBMM protects the bsa files from being changed.I am an idiot just delete the meshes and textures for characters. You only need to backup your original meshes and textures if you have already added custom races or cosmetic upgrades.
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Most armor made for the Exnem body work with HGEC when worn as a complete set.Some armor pieces like leggings and high stockings clip around legs and calves because they use the tail slot. The major difference between the two is how the shoulders and armpits look. The standard HGEC fighter body is Exnem without the wide shoulders. All of the Amazon and Sorceress armors have HGEC conversions.The Warrior armors work with HGEC,but the swimsuit varieties look bad because of the shoulders.Chingari has a good HGEC adaptation, but I don't have the id for it.
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Well for Eye Candy you could always use HGEC and for that armor... create a new folder somewhere like desktop, extract the file and then copy meshes, textures folder and esp. file. Then open Oblivion Mod Manager and click create and Add folder, choose that new folder and install. :happy:
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