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What do you do when you have too much money?


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I loved the point right after I got my epic mount in WoW. I suddenly found I had a spare thousand gold. It was such a liberating feeling, having all this hard-earned gold and I didn't have to spend it on anything! Promptly spent on fireworks, Darkmoon Special Reserve, and a toy train set.
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in games like fallout or oblivion i buy weapons and armor that looked good to me, in dragon age its the armor and weapons and amterials for healing items. for godfather games it houses in every street. stuff like that lols, in mmo's its getting weapons and armor for the lvls i need.
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There is one thing you could do with money; keep it all till you get the achievement for hoarding it that cash. That's what I did in ME. Then you could splurge it in whatever you want.
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fable 2........... buy everything and still have 800mil left lol what a joke, money in fable 2 was pointless in the frist game you had to work your socks off just to get some dosh...... i hoping for big things in fable 3 don't let me down Lionhead Studios :rolleyes:

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When you have everything you need/want, there's health potions you're going to want to buy up every five in-game days or so. So sell all your property again, then (1) waste gold on whatever food you want and just eat, eat eat; or (2) donate to beggars; or (3) buy weapons and hand them around town(you can give them to child NPC's too! For good points, no joke!); or (4) help single moms, 10 gold(and a different bed) every time(works well with option 2 or 3); or (5) drink, drink drink; or (6) commit a dozen crimes and pay them all off, moving from city to city; or (7) all of the above!

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Fallout 3, I'm always in trouble with money despite never really using it.


Oblivion, I get too much money and I just let it be.


Dragon Age: Origins (Rent it on X360), I haven't got to the point yet.

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I buy the very best stuff first, then when the very best stuff becomes common I start all over again. After a while I quit, except mayby when the game has mods or has multiplayer.
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I know I might get a Booo or 20 for this... MMO money has only been a partial issue for me... I have trouble getting the basic stuff I need.. farm like heck to get it... but as for me looking fashionable and hot... I've always had the best in clothing... being a girl really does have benefits.. but no.. I've NEVER been a gold digger.. I accept if it's offered.. but I never begged or whined or played the gender card... I was just me.. and if someone liked me and wanted to help.. well... who am I to say no?? tho playing City of Heroes was different.... I was given 5 mil right off by a total stranger I never even saw again.. but I remembered that and gave away extra money to noobs having "been there done that" I know they would feel appreciated and more than some players greatly appreciated the help

I always try to pay it forward...And yes... I flirt..

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