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Druid/Nymph Armor


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I know it's a Sims photo but the leafy/earthy look is what I'm looking for. all the mods I see so far are all armored up I mean I might be the only female who likes Skimpy/Sexy armor sets. I haven't found anything so far that has the sort of leafy two piece but I was hoping one of you modders can make one.

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The mega-talents of zzjay and Xenius have conspired to create The Dryad mod, which adds a new Dryad race. I assume this new race may be for player characters only - not sure about NPCs (unless somone creates a NPC follower mod from this). The description says it includes 12 pieces of female clothing, as well as new undies. From the pics provided, the clothing looks appropriately skimpy for woodsy sun-worshipppers and hot springs-lovers.



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But I always had problems using the Dryad Race. And by that I mean trying to change the appearance in the racemenu, the hairs and eyes got stuck many times. Other things that I don't remember

So I just switched to Wood Elf.

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