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new game ideas


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hey everybloody

I feel the need to create a new forum game and would like thine feedethbacketh oneth theseth games...eth.


1. try not to say the word "it" this is very difficult to do

2. shakespear try to have a sensible conversation while putting -eth at the end of each wordeth

3. odd pics try to outdo other people's odd pictures

4. odd facts try to outdo other people's odd facts

5. obscure holidays almost everyday of the year as a holiday on it, and the person with the strangest for the month wins

6. baby maker pick two nexus member, and make a sig or avatar for their make belive child


might add more soon

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Hmm i wouldn't mind starting the craziest holiday of the month poll. YAY Wacky is back :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:


One thing about Canada its highly international, meaning kind of boring holidays. Not many that stands out, or none at all. Only one that is Sort of wacky is Easter.


lol eggs


the poll manly will be open until someone comes up with something????


unless someone already has one, Calliton??.

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