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Black Screen


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When I enter the waterfront shack Oblivion crashes to unresponsive black screen (though the music still plays). It suddenly started happening for no reason that I can fathom, and disabling mods seem to make no difference to it. Hope someone can help / have heard of this / has genius-level-but-able-to-be-installed-by-idiot fix

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Yeah there's an issue with nvidia, turnign the screen will help, though it will go back to black at certain points. I fidn that simply reloading the cell works.
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Yeah there's an issue with nvidia, turnign the screen will help, though it will go back to black at certain points. I fidn that simply reloading the cell works.

well, it seems he's not using Nvidia


but since you're having troubles with it


consider the UOP - fixes included ; Wrye Bash - fixes available

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