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mod pack


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Hey guys/gals. im kinda new to fallout3(yes really) and I was kinda wondering about mods and stuff for the game. I downloaded a mod pack and tried it but I had a lot of glitches and such that could have been my fault but I couldnt stand the textures going haywire anymore so I uninstalled it all. Basically what im looking for is either a great big list of mods to use or a nice pack to get me started. I have lots of mods for DA:O but this game seems a little bit more tricky with adding the mods and im just not sure where to start. I like textures and adding cool things and fixes and stuff like that so if someone could point me in the right direction that would be great. Also im sorry if this is in the wrong spot, it was either here or the general discussions so I wasnt sure so feel free to move this if it doesnt belong. anyways thanks for any help ^^
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My suggestion would just be to head over to nexus and browse categories, grabbing whatever catches your interest. The major overhauls are called FOOK, FWE, MMM, and XFO. I'm making another as we type, but I'm not sure it's legal to advertise mods. Ah well. :tongue:

Fook, FWE, and XFO work fine by themselves and with MMM, but I strongly you to NOT use more than one at once. Fook focuses on content, while Fwe focuses on RPing, and XFO focuses on gameplay. MMM just adds in a bunch of new creatures and makes more of them spawn at once. Still pretty awesome for all that.

And by the way, welcome to Fallout! Prepare to have a blast!





...was that as corny as I thought it was?

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I think you should at least use FOOK and WMK(weapon mod kits) I also recommend MMM. Remember to use FallOut Interoperability Patches(FOIP) if youre going to use more than one of those.
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I think you should at least use FOOK and WMK(weapon mod kits) I also recommend MMM.

Before you get all this stuff you'll need a mod manager. I reccomend FOMM, it als comes with something called "Archive invalidation" which will fix the crazy textures problem. Fsllout 3 only accepts new content/replacements if it's listed in archiveinvalidation.txt OR you have archive invalidation invalidated (there's a button to turn it on in FOMM -Fallout Mod Manager.


Personally I'd stick clear of overhauls until you know what you're looking for in mods. FOOK is heavy on "Modern" weapons and equipment, whereas FWE has stuff more in-line with previous Fallout titles. MMM will work with both and basically adds more creature numbers and types, as well as optional features like some feral ghouls 'rising' from the dead unless you dismember/explode their heads. EVE (Energy visuals enchanced) is a must-have. Adding unique new weapons and MUCH improved effects. FOOK incoroporates an older version but there is a newer version with a lot more stuff in.

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