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Have you tried using FaceGen?


There is a free demo floating around somewhere, and a utility to import the output into oblivion (fg2ob was the name, dunno if there's a better/later version. It does custom races). The models created are far from perfect, but they're often very good starting points for the ingame creation. The main FG downside is it requires very specific photo angles/expressions to create a face from photos.


Have a look at this thread: (Another face request I did using FaceGen as a base. Note the first photo posted, that's pretty much the ideal shot)



At any rate, no-one's likely to be able to help if you don't post any pictures; the easier you make it, the quicker it will get done.

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Ah, if you love Paramore, then instantly, you are epic.


I shall oblige on the picture front.



As a fellow Paramore lover, I might have a go at this. I'll get back to you if I have any success.





















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