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Better tagging system?


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I just think it'd be useful if we could tag files with actual words. That way ones with obscure names could be found by people searching for stuff.

The problem with that idea is that if the tag words could be added by users, it could quickly be abused.


The reason why the tag system isn't as good as it is really has more to do with the fact that there are so many files out there that aren't tagged, and even if new, more meaningful, tags are added, they won't necessarily be used.

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I think we need some dedicated tag police that can comb through all the uploads during the day and make sure all of them are tagged and go back in time to tag older files as well.


Any takers?

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I think we need some dedicated tag police that can comb through all the uploads during the day and make sure all of them are tagged and go back in time to tag older files as well.


Any takers?


I think that I could do that.

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If it's coordinated like with the image-uploads from a while back. I think that it'll at least take care of the old files.

Lol, anyone fancying to create a tag-police userbar? :biggrin:

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I think it would be most important to get 2 or 3 people for each site (TES, FO3, DA) and make sure every file for the current or previous day is tagged as well as letting authors know their mods have search tags "suggested" for their mod. The thing is that if the mod author adds the search tags, they are instantly validated. If the community suggests search tags, they have to be agreed-upon by more than one person before a tag can become validated.


It is far better if the mod's author configures the tags because nobody is more familiar with what they are uploading than the author...therefore, there's much less room for errors to exist in the tagging process.


Once we get authors tagging their own files as well as the community covering any pot holes in-between for each day, then we can start to look back into days prior to tag older files.



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A possible solution would be forcing the author into choosing at least one or two tags. Right after the mod page is created have a page that explains what tags are and asking the author to tag his file.


About the custom-word tags: it can be easily abused, a troll can come and tag your file with insults etc. and that's just more junk to clean out for the staf/authors.


PS: I don't really use the tags to be honest.

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You can count on me for TesNexus. I already started doing this while I was sorting out mods for my list, of course inspired by our big daddy Lhammonds.
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