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Swords on the back


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Guys, seriously. This wasn't supposed to be a debate about carrying swords. I just wanted someone to make it so we could carry them on our backs. Nothing too hard about that. :down:
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Nothing too hard about that

Actually yes there is. You'd need to do an animation for the sword to be put away on the back, an animation for it to be drawn and a re-weighting of the weapon to sit correctly on your back. ON top of hat there's the problematic fact knives, police batons, machetes, lead pipes and all other manner of items would end up there. that is not so simple to solve. Also, askying why you want something is just as important as asking what. Add the fact that this is the internet and nobody here owes anyone anything and someone would have to do a lot of work to add a demand you made like a spoiled child who wants a shiny new toy. I know enough to know what my requests would incur, learn this and people will be much more likely to respond in the way you'd like.


Guys, seriously. This wasn't supposed to be a debate about carrying swords.

This thread belongs to the internet now. It decides what happens in your thread, not you. Maybe if you wanted this thread to stay on topic you should've hung around and steered it better. You can't claim compensation for a crash if you decide to take a nap whist driving down the freeway. Likewise you can't complain your thread's gone offtopic if you just abandon it.

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Nothing too hard about that

Actually yes there is. You'd need to do an animation for the sword to be put away on the back, an animation for it to be drawn and a re-weighting of the weapon to sit correctly on your back. ON top of hat there's the problematic fact knives, police batons, machetes, lead pipes and all other manner of items would end up there. that is not so simple to solve. Also, askying why you want something is just as important as asking what. Add the fact that this is the internet and nobody here owes anyone anything and someone would have to do a lot of work to add a demand you made like a spoiled child who wants a shiny new toy. I know enough to know what my requests would incur, learn this and people will be much more likely to respond in the way you'd like.


Guys, seriously. This wasn't supposed to be a debate about carrying swords.

This thread belongs to the internet now. It decides what happens in your thread, not you. Maybe if you wanted this thread to stay on topic you should've hung around and steered it better. You can't claim compensation for a crash if you decide to take a nap whist driving down the freeway. Likewise you can't complain your thread's gone offtopic if you just abandon it.


Yeah well, you're right. I was just so surprised this request was never put before. It was so obvious someone would have made it, I mean, I checked before I requested and was surprised it didn't exist already(just like the minimap request of mine). But seeing that it WAS hard making such a request come true, I understand why noone made it before. Thanks for making things clear.

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