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request for ideas


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Is it possible to have Ed-E act like a hologram emitter for the Hologram campanions? ^^


That would make sense and would be relatively lore friendly.

Your character taking a hologram transmitter back from the Sierra Madre and installing it on Ed-E... ^^


You could then switch between Holograms with some dialect options with Ed-E.


The holograms would have the standard hologram attack and only die if Ed-E dies.


it's probably possible will have to look at that idea :smile:


Cool, hope you do ^^


Would be most interesting to have a security or Vera Keys hologram... XD

If possible only give it a small range it can go from Ed-E.


That way it's not too overpowered as Ed-E has real chance of still getting hurt or it could replace Ed-E's laser attack?

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I don't think Big Hoss can use a pistol or revolver since they don't have animations for them or at least I don't think they do so he would have to use a rifle of some kind. So I was thinking maybe he could use a Trail Carbine or Battle Rifle <-( Gun Runners Arsenal ) as his default weapon.

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