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Removing "Cell Load" Havok from meshes?


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It seems meshes from the resource "Armory Clutter" has cell load havok attatched to it. I don't know what this is, but everytime I load a game while in a cell with these meshes, they go haywire, and fall, or are out of place. Is there a way to stop it from doing this? Or should I just avoid saving in that area?
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Avoid loading in that area--and for Heaven's sake Don't Touch Anything!


Unfortunately, what you see is what you get. To be able to pick the objects up they need their Havoc. Stuff flying around is a fairly common problem. Mod makers place all their stuff in the construction set, but never try loading from a saved game inside the cell to see what happens. That is somewhat understandable as fixing all the Havoc can be a royal pain.


The physics in Oblivion are not perfect. Enough said.


Some modders have realized what a pain this is and have made static clutter, weapons, etc., but the downside to this is that you obviously can't interact with anything or pick anything up.


I learned from experience that simply making an object "Static" does not actually make it "Static." The havoc is in the Mesh, not the game. I have learned enough about Nifscope to remove the havoc from items, but not enough to do so in such a way that the objects still take up space. You can walk right through mine.

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It is rather prosaic to say this, but one way to stop the chaos if you load in a cell in your mod is to place all the objects at rest. Place them in stable configurations where they can't fall. Where it is like they have already fallen. The collision geometry and havok are faulty such that everything might levitate three centimeters above the surfaces, upon cell load havok, but that is better than having everything fall on the floor.
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I'm not talking about items I've placed in the cell, I could care less about them since there aren't any. I'm talking about a mesh that was made by combining the meshes of other items into one mesh. It's set up so it's static, and is supposed to be used as a container, which is what I'm using them for. It's only when loading a save game in that cell that makes things go crazy, going to and from the cell is fine, other then the annonying clinking sound you get when you drop weapons and armor on the floor happening when going into the cell, it's fine in that respect. I don't know enough about NifScope to know which parts are havok data and which arent.
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This is the mod resource I'm talking about:







They aren't items that can be picked up, they are supposed to be static since they are just filled weapon racks.


I've found that some of them can be fixed in-game for a short while by using the console to disable then enable them which will reset the mesh, but it only works for some of them.

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This is a specific problem with the meshes in this specific mod. By reading the comments it looks like others have had similar problems. He said he uploaded an improved version, so make sure that is the one you downloaded.


Other than that, as Korana said, it would take an experienced modder hours to fix these. So, download a copy of Nifscope, find a tutorial, and get to work...

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