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...Torches 2.0, a more realistic approach...


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This morning I discovered the freshly released Primal Fear by DServant which is one of these small but very immersive (..brrr..."immersive"....Gopher, what have you done? :ohdear: No, really... this IS immersive) mods that should've been there from the start. But watching the video showcase by MCD I got the feeling this might make things way to easy outside at night. Which brought me to this idea:


...Flintstones, Torches and Fire...


Currently, a torch in your inventory means INSTANT light and fire. A fact, every caveman out there would've killed you for or at least scratched his head in disbelieve :woot: . Not very relastic in my opinion. And it could be fixed with a small gameplay change.


How about this: if you (or any NPC) wants to use a torch (or a lantern) he needs to light it first. Otherwise, you only have a wooden stick with some burned rags on top. :blink:


There are two ways to do this:


1) Walk towards a fire source and touch it with your torch. This could be another torch, a fireplace or fire bowls. (Or dragonfire, for the very brave. If you pull that stunt, I wanna see a youtube video of it!!)

How to check if you are near one of those is already solved in e.g. the great Fostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival by Chesko

2) Using flintstones which you can buy at any good sorted vendor. You would only need to have them in your inventory. As soon, as you equip a torch, it would not be lit instantly. Instead, you hear some kind of scratching sound, like the flintstones are banged together. After a slightly random amount of time (0.5-3 seconds) your torch is lit. Combined with the earlier mentioned Primal Fear mod, this would add a nice extra touch of suspence. E.g. when a troll is starting to run at you and RIGHT NOW those damn flintstones take their time. :wallbash:
(Trying this in rainy weather could even multiply the amount of time it takes to get your torch lit)


Those two options could work quite the same on all those NPCs out there. I really like Light up the night - People Have Torches by Searyan, but it always bothered me that the people pull their torches out like a zigarette lighter. With this mod, they either could have flintstones right from the start in their inventory, OR they look for a fire bowl/camp fire and ignite their torches there. (Problem here: as far as I recal, NPCs use the torch as soon as they are in a dark spot and don't use them again once it's bright around, so every time they reach a dark aera they would first turn around and search for a fire source nearby.. which could lead to a giant loop :pinch: )

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Hmmm... This is possible. The bashing part might be harder, but I can do the flint stones and rain stuff.


But not for other NPCs.


However, I need to work on the other requests I said I would finish first:


Stamina Damage when fighting

Detect items spell based on value:weight/value

Edited by Matthiaswagg
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