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40k help


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Despite reading any article or forum i could find on how to get the warhammer 40k mods to work i still have not. I have FOMM, FO3Edit, and FOSE but i still cannot for the life of me figure out what the problem is.


Mod load order report

! Warning: current load order template contains 19 duplicate entries



Masterlist Information: $Revision$, $Date$, $LastChangedBy$



* This mod does not exist in the current template



* This mod does not exist in the current template



* This mod does not exist in the current template


this seems like a very menial problem but every description on what to do just seems to be very vague, any help would be appreciated

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As far as i can tell they do not, every time i tried something different i booted up the game and put into console player.additem 00def101 which is supposed to spawn i believe a ultramarine helmet or backpack
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... So you ignored the multiple threds that say item cods use the first 2 digits of their plugin's loadorder in FOMM for their item codes? So if your plugin is loading 10th it'd be 10def101, and 11th would be 0adef101 (Hex... base 16 IIRC). Look in FOMM on the left when you activate the mods. Remember that number, that's the bit you should have instead of the 00.
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Its not so much i ignored them i didn't think that the code was wrong, i figured it would have something to do with the mods not in current template, or is that normal? either way I tried as you said player.additem 01def101 and it came up with the script error. A step by step for setting up the mod would probably in the end diagnose the problem over trying to pinpoint what i am doing wrong.
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