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Alternate Ammo


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I'm... actually really amazed this mod neither already exists, nor has already been requested.


Simply put, anyone who's played Fallout 1&2 is familiar with the concept of more then one ammo type per weapon (And if you played tactics you've seen a few guns with quite a few types of ammo). I'd love to get something like this for Fallout 3. It shouldn't be fairly hard to create, the 19th and 20th century weapon mod already has a feature where equipping a weapon brings up a menu where you can pick from a list of options (changing the weapon to another type, even though in game all your doing is using the same gun without its scope.)


Actually implementing the mod would be no more complex then taking that idea and applying it to several different guns, creating several new, identical guns, except for a few stat changes, and the ammo consumed, and then adding the alternate ammo types to the waste lands.


I, of course, have absolutely no idea how to make the little menu pop up on equipping the gun, so I can't really do it myself.

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Or you can use the Keredyeh stlye FOSE scripts (he's already made one where hitting m toggles a shotgun between buckshot and grenades). It'd be easy enough to have a firemode for each ammotype, and your weapon's condition wouldn't miraculously stay at 100% either.
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http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1446 that script will allow you to add 2 ammo types to each weapon you just need to adapt the ammo types to the weapons you want. Look in the esp and see how its down its pretty self explanatory. You just copy paste ids and assign the scripts
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Oh... Nasty. HeroinZero's mod uses the old multiple weapons trick. This means the condition is lost each time you select a firemode...


It is so much better to use a script to change the weapon's projectile, ammo type, Damage & No. of projectiles then triggering a reload animation than it is to do that. The 'multiple weapons' way is a horrible solution.

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No that script transfers the weapons condition it has a few lines in the script which checks the weapons condition before the switch and re applies it after. I have yet to see a script which does option 2 otherwise id use it.
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Actually it was requested before, but I'm not going to dig way back to find it. :whistling:


It would definitely be interesting to see such a mod. I have just one request if it's done: add incendiary ammo types! Preferably for 10mm/5.56. Blaze would love to make her assault rifle and/or 10mil SMG able to set stuff on fire. :teehee:

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Nice find im gonna take a look at that ty. Those scripts are only for selective fire not ammo management but with some tweaking i think that can be changed.
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Actually there's a buckshot<->grenade switcher up there too. With a bit of ngenuity it should be a reasonable goal to make it to switch between ammo types. You needn't even un/re-eqip. Just hit "M" and switch (actually it'd probably be better to use a seperate key & variables, so we can have selected fore with selected ammo! :P).
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