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marksman mod requests


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I have played alot of games, and archery has always been quite "my thing", but oblivion's marksman-system kinda dissapointed me, its way too easy, and not funny at all, also its hard to find a good balance damage-wise, its not funny if you oneshot everything, but on the other hand its not funny if you have to spend endless amounts of arrows to kill someone.

(have only found Arcane Archery, which is allright, but not entirely suiting my needs),

(I have seen Duke Patrick's Archery, but the file seems to be gone from the web),


So here are the requests


an "Arcane Archery"-like mod, but a more Eragon-like arrow-spell system would be cool, where you'd charge the arrow, and it would start flaming more and more, then you'd shoot it and it would explode with more damage equal to the time you charged the arrow

Also, it should not give you 20 arrows, only the one you fire, when you use the spell.

(it should cost 50% mana, if thats possible)


I know that one might be rather hard to do, but it would be extremely awesome


Also if anyone could tell me what happened to Duke Patrick's Archery I would be glad, because it sounds like an awesome mod.

If its gone for good, an Marksman Overhaul could be cool, one that makes archery more challenging and realistic - try reading about DUke Patrick''s Archery here, scroll a little down - it could give you some ideas.


A Dead Eye-mod could make my pants wet, if anyone has played Red Dead Redemption, they know what Im talking about, anyways heres a

, basicly, you go into slowmotion, press a button to put those markers (small red crosses) on people (the button could just be the normal fire button, and then you could target.. lets say 4 times, and then it would shoot on fourth press), then press fire, and it will shoot at the marked persons. It does drain the dead eye meter over time in Red Dead Redemption, so I guess it could drain mana over time ( rather fast, probably 10% per second)

Note that the arrows would have to be shot rather fast after eachother when you start shooting, otherwise it would just be silly.


Maybe a mod to go with the Dead Eye and Arcane Archery-like mod, that would make your mana regain on successful ranged kills, that way you would not be able to use the "op" spells before you had shot some people.



I know im asking for a more challenging archery mod aswell, and on the same time I'm asking for somewhat overpowered mods, but the Dead Eye and arcane archery-like should cost a lot of mana, and therefor not be able to be used all the time.


Yes, I know I'm asking for a lot, and alot of scripting aswell, but I would be extremely overjoyed if someone decided to do this, if anyone are willing to, I'm willing to help you aswell, with ideas and such.


Thanks ;)

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Sounds Really good i like your ideas...I own Red dead redemption it would be cool to have dead-eye in oblivion....I have looked for Duke Patrick's archery also cant find it ..just and addon for it but not the actually file...if you get any news pls message me because my archer is way to powerfull with the difficulty all the way up...
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I found a mod that puts 3 awesome looking and powerfull bows in game I think you will like the light bow and what it does^^




pretty cool, but does this bow shoot those magic-multi-fire arrows all the time? because thats not what I'm looking for, the effect is awesome, but what I'm looking for is a spell you use, that does the same, but costs 50% of your mana -


And a mod to go with that, which would allow me to regain mana from successful arrow hits / kills - that way the sick spells would be usable once in a while.



And note that I'm not looking for "Powerful" bows, I'm looking for something that will improve archery damage and realism, as well as having a few cool spells that would do extra damage.



Switch of subject :o


A mod that would introduce vulnerable spots


it would decrease Marksman damage if it VISUALLY hits the armor (plate, mail or leather only) of your target - and increase damage if it hits bare skin / cloth. that way you would start aiming for the small gap in a plate helm for example, that would bring more realism to the Archery part of oblivion - also being an archer would require a little more "skill"

Also if you could disarm someone by shooting on the hand theyre holding a weapon with.


^^ that would be really cool

This image in spoiler shows what I mean






So if anyone could make any of the mods I have mentioned in this topic, or show me some that are just what I need, I would be happy :)

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ahhhh i see what you mean..... i realy like your ideas...and yes the bow always does that if you have both the light arrows and light bow equipped...but if you do not have them both equipped at the sane time it doesnt do it
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It would be extremely difficult to get something like that working, it's definitely something alot of people would like, but arrows hitting armour, and doing less damage is difficult, because of how oblivion works, which is through multipliers.
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It would be extremely difficult to get something like that working, it's definitely something alot of people would like, but arrows hitting armour, and doing less damage is difficult, because of how oblivion works, which is through multipliers.

Hmm, Guess youre right

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I still think you idea sounds amazing your ideas are really good ill talk to some of my modder friends to see what i can cook up if i could mod myself i would jump on this idea but infotunatly i cannot right now^^
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