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My skyrim crash when I load my save.


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Do you think I can just change the priority of these to 00000 value to fix it ?


Maybe I will retry to uninstal I my mods one by one to find wihich one is the problem ( I just hope it's not a combinaison of them) it's just really long because I have like 150-200 mods and most of time you change one you need to run at least a Fnis or a reproccer.jar and redo the bached patch.

Edited by DarkDragonWolf
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Start a new game in this way below:


install every mod you are going to use ( a lot of people will tell you not to do this because if you have a mod causing a problem then you don't know which one it is, I disagree simply because it's very easy to fix that kind of problem, all you do is disable all your ESP's and see if the game loads, if it does then you enable 10 ESP's at a time till the game won't load, now you know where your problem mod is, simple fix ) Once you do find the block of 10 where the problem is, you do the top 5 first, then the bottom 5. Depending where the problem persists you only now have 5 files to load one at a time. I did this on my last play through and played all the way up to level 73 before I started my present play through :)


Also, are you using the torch arrows mod? I had this same problem and once I deleted it, the game and Reproccer ran just fine

Edited by gromulos
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I tried but any files in the load order seem to change anything to my crash so I have just regroup all the mods I have downloaded in the last 2 weeks and uninstal them by group of 10 with your method redo a bashed patch an reproccer.jar and an fnis update at each time and I have finnaly find that im ok to load without the mod '' HDT physics extensions ''

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I tried but any files in the load order seem to change anything to my crash so I have just regroup all the mods I have downloaded in the last 2 weeks and uninstal them by group of 10 with your method redo a bashed patch an reproccer.jar and an fnis update at each time and I have finnaly find that im ok to load without the mod '' HDT physics extensions ''


glad I could help, at least I had you go down the right path lol :P :)

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My Racemenu wasn't up to date and was incompatible with hdt phisics so I finally reinstaled the new version and now all works well that relieved me haha.

By the way dude thank you very much for your help and your support you are a really good guy to help people like me with theirs problems it's probably not always easy :laugh:

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