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survival mod, less items, more hunger, thirst etc.


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i haven't played Fallout for like 2 years, i thinking of starting again, but after playing State of Decay, i felt that Fallout New Vegas didn't really have that survival feel, what i mean is that, yeah there's thirst, hunger and sleep, but you can find so many food and drinks and stuff in chest that i find it strange that there's so many resources laying around in a post apocalyptic wasteland


so what i'm looking for is a mod that

- makes food, meds, drinks, ammo and weapons more scarce

- since there's less bullets lying around, damage should be increased (i can increase the global damage multipliers easily with GECK with fDiffMultHPByPCVH or fDiffMultHPToPCVH so that's not a problem) so i can make all weapons and attacks deal more damage with that (BY and TO enemies)

- melee weapons degrade faster, maybe even guns too


i think i saw a mod like that years ago when i was still playing Fallout a lot but i can't remember that name so i can't find i now, and thanks in advance

Edited by ghostrecon123
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Try checking out FOOK or NVEC they both have MCM menus which can be tailored and I know for a fact that there is a setting in FOOK that does exactly what you are looking for. Also, you can use both together if you use the FOOK-NVEC patch :smile:

Edited by gromulos
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thanks for the really quick replies, i'll check those out, 1+ kudos to both of you as thanks

Edited by ghostrecon123
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