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Okay so I just installed FOSE and the GWLDeactivator thing and I fixed my DLC and all, but I don't know what to do to get my saves games. I read the readme's and whatnot and I know what to do, just not how to do it. This mysterious Saves folder is nowhere to be found, and I even tried to make one in the Data folder and the main area where FOSE and the GECK are. Does anyone know where this elusive folder is!? Halp mee!!!



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As soon as you switch to offline play, if you installed F.O.S.E. (which disables GfWL) or if you simply moved your DLC files into the Data folder, you'll consider your save games are "gone". This happens because Fallout uses two slightly different locations to store the save games in.

  • off-line: <Start Menu> \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout3 \ Saves \
  • on-line: <Start Manu> \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout3 \ Saves \ "Your Live Name" \

-> If you want to continue your game on-line or off-line, simply copy the save games into the respective location.

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