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Mod Issues Newbie


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I successfully installed a few mods, then being me I couldn't be happy and tried adding more, now everytime I try to open the game, it closes the program. I know its a possible mod list issue, but I think I'm missing a mod requirement. Here is my mod list Please help. I've made sure and I've checked for the requirements.



Run the Lucky 38.esm
The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm
The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp
FCO - OnHolyServiceBound NPC's.esp
FCO - Niner.esp
DK Caucasians.esp
The Lucky 38 Empire.esp
FCO - GlowingOne.esp
FCO - Mikoto Patch.esp
FCO - The New Bison Steve.esp
Edited by Red1knight
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1) install every mod you are going to use

2) run loot

3) run FOMM and correct load order and double check for missing dependencies in the archive and data tabs

4) run FNVEdit and verify load order, also in the left pane, right click, then choose other then the MERGED PATCH option


When running this many mods you HAVE to use a merged patch so they all play nice together, the merged patch will also handle leveled lists for any mods that add items, make sure the merged patch is ALWAYS loaded last in your load order, NO EXCEPTIONS, unless using an ENB


Any time you add or delete a mod to your load order you will need to repeat steps 2-4

Edited by gromulos
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Download and run FNVEdit. Make sure you read the installation instructions, it is not a mod and does not install like one.


When opened it will load your current load order, and it will let you know if there's something wrong with it. If it tells you there's a missing file when trying to load a plugin, then you got your problem.


From now on, do not install more than one - at most two - mods at a time. Everytime you add something, make sure you test your game to make sure it's stable.

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I run around 138 mods in my load order on each play through and have never had any problems installing them all at once.


If you follow my instructions above, you can load all 255 ( maximum allowed ) mods all at once and still have a stable playable game, i've done it

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Then you're either very careful or very lucky. I'm not saying something is bound to go wrong, everything may work perfectly, and if you know what you're doing it usually will. But when it doesn't, you will have no clue as to what mod caused your problem. So for the sake of easy troubleshooting, don't install everything at once. Especially if you're a self professed newbie.


I also find it hard to believe that you've managed to run 255 at once. That is the theoretical limit, but most start to have problems long before that.

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I only did it once and only did the main quest, so i was done with the playthrough in something like 3 or 4 days worth of playing, did it mainly just to see if I could lol :tongue:


But seriously, if you use all 3 programs you're almost guarenteed to have the best possible load order and thus far less problems in the game, my method also works for FO3 and Skyrim, although with Skyrim it's a little more extensive so requires more guidance for new people to modding :)

Edited by gromulos
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That's not going to work, later in the game you will have MAJOR problems, there are at least 2 or 3 mods in your load order that require it


You NEED that merged patch, once you have it you should be able to use NVSE with no problem, also, NVSE does not install like a mod, it should be done manually, or with the executable

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Ok I followed a guide on how to create the patch thank you for helping me, during FNVEdit loading there were issues with niner.esm, should I be concerned? I created the merge patch and it stlll doesn't want to play nice. In BOSS this comes up:


  • MikotoBeauty.esm Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Hair, Eyes, Graphics}}
  • FCOMaster.esm Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, NpcFaces, NPC.Race}}
  • FalloutNV_lang.esp Active
    • Note: Translation file.
  • FreesideOpenPatch.esp Active
  • MikotoBPCCFull.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: NpcFaces, NoMerge}}
  • The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp Version 107 Active
  • athornysituation.esp Active
  • kochandbohr.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Factions}}
  • NewVegasBounties.esp Active
  • rotfacetoriches.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Factions}}
  • MTB.esp Active
  • FCO - OnHolyServiceBound NPC's.esp
  • FCO - Niner.esp Active
  • DK Caucasians.esp Active
  • MikotoBeauty.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Hair, Eyes, Names}}
Edited by Red1knight
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