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Imperial Rule


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i can think of dozens of reasons why an empire isnt a possiblity at present, but after years as a science fiction author creating sociopolitical systems for a living, I can say that it wouldnt be all bad.


Empires do one thing reeaally well: self interest, and for the citizens of the empire in question that can only be a good thing. One problem I have with democracy, and infact the reason I never jump to the cunclusion that democracy is somehow more ethiclal than imperialism is that they never seem to have the needs and interests of their people at heart. I grew up in australia and here we have a two-party system, but its been many years since they put any serious thought into national planning or progress. The problem is a two party adversarial system; you have two parties and the job of one is too make policy and the job of the other is to opose it. Now Idealy the oposition would opose by producing better solutions in order to win the next election, with the ruling party pointing the general direction of things, but all thats been seriously done in the last decade is a huge amount of flap about climate change, the replacement of the nation's fighter aircraft fleets, and some thought about a new internet network that hasnt eventuated.


In an empire you would simply expect your emperor or empress to be an active politician, its their job, a totalitarian society SHOULD be the most progressive and hurl its nation forwards in terms of territory, science and technology, but the key problem is the utterly pathetic nature of human beings. The reason that democracy, theocracy, imperialism, and marxism, socialism and communism dont work as well as they could or should is human weakness. In australia all that ever goes on in our politics is mud slinging between the parties: the newly elected party will use its entire term to try and win votes NEXT term, constantly, while the oposition does little more than pull faces and call them names.


In socialism and communism the problem is greed, no matter how many good little comrades you have, you'l eventualy get some narcisistic male without a father in power who will simply amass all power and wealth unto themselves, likewise on a civil level, portioning and handouts work, but only until someone realises they can steal more than their share.


lastly in imperial rule, empires arent popular, people want democracy, usualy, or reform, and that toppels even the greatest empire given long enough, think of clammer for reform being like termites eating a tree: stamp out a colony and you;ve stopped the threat for a time, but the dead proverbial "bark" doesnt recover, and after long enough and more rebbelion, the whole thing wilkl come down with a crash. Its often the same with empires, they are just as often destroyed from the inside out, because no matter what, you cant control the will of the populace, even if everything you do is in their own interests then there is someone who disagrees, and thse people can always find support.


lastly, please, enough quotes, a quote of a quote of a quote of a quote of a quote of a quote of a quote of a *deep breath a quote is just ridiculous ^^

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Imperial rule would not bring about world peace, because there would be certain factions and groups of people that will always be more prominent than others. People from the US for example will still be more prominent and much better off than someone in Somalia even under the same rule. There is no solution for world peace, because nobody will ever agree on everything and in fact will disagree so much that it will create conflicts like which have been happening since man has existed on the Earth. World peace is impossible, curing world hunger, poverty and disease is also impossible, and in fact it would be very naive of someone to think that it is possible. I think the OP intended for a possible utopia out of imperial rule.


And to the post above, I don't agree that everyone does want Democracy. I really do think some people would rather be told what to do, how to live, what to eat, etc and not think for themselves at all. In fact, there are lots of people like this even in the US.

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Imperial rule would not bring about world peace, because there would be certain factions and groups of people that will always be more prominent than others. People from the US for example will still be more prominent and much better off than someone in Somalia even under the same rule. There is no solution for world peace, because nobody will ever agree on everything and in fact will disagree so much that it will create conflicts like which have been happening since man has existed on the Earth. World peace is impossible, curing world hunger, poverty and disease is also impossible, and in fact it would be very naive of someone to think that it is possible. I think the OP intended for a possible utopia out of imperial rule.



Slightly, yes...

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Empires such as the Holy Britannian Empire, is only possible if it was real. Such as if Caesar couldn't invade Rome and we British ruled the world, well we'd be fine with the idea of an Empire.


For example, the HBE (Which is an fictional empire) is pollutionless. It has no racism between blacks and primarily the working class are often better off than normal.


However, we know because of human greed and corruption, things like Perfect world's (Communism) can't be done. I'll use Communism as an example. A perfect world. Humans don't like Perfect because we CAN'T be perfect, thus we shun it.

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