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getting acquanted with Fallout 3 mods


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I think I'll be getting Fallout 3 soon. I'm well acquainted with Oblivion, and all of it's must have mods. Now I need to know about Fallout 3.


The general types of mods I'm looking for are:

1. A good dual wield mod. I would like to be able to dual wield pistols and SMGs.

2. All of the basic male and female texture replacers. I use Exnem's for females, and Robert's for males in Oblivion.

3. Immersion mods. My play style is Pseudo realist. I like to have to eat, drink and sleep, but I also like having an inventory space of 5 mil.

4. High definition texture replacers. I have a high end computer. I want mods that increase the LOD, and just plain make things look better.

5. A good matrix-esque mod where you can block bullets with a sword and stuff. That would be sick. Does it exist?

6. Any other miscellaneous mods that are either popular and/or you just think are a must have.


Also, I would like to know about all the necessary utilities. You know, oblivion has OBSE, Mod Manager, etc. I want to know about the equivalents for Fallout 3.


As my sig says, for Oblivion, I have over 90 mods. I generally go mod crazy on games like this. Don't hold back on recommendations. Basically, I would just like to get oriented with Fallout 3 mods. Creature overhauls, texture replacers, all the stuff I listed, etc.

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1. As far as i know there are no dual wield mods i(please someone prove me wrong so i can try it out)

2. I use Breezes FO3 Males as a male body replacer and DIMONIZED TYPE3 female body WIP as a female body replacer.

3. I dont know about mods that adds to how much you can carry (although i have seen them) but for upping realism in the game Better living through Chems are a pretty neat mod.

4. I know they exist, and quite alot of them but really dont have the time to write down all the ones I'm using.

5. As far as i know, no. But there are a pretty nice "bullet time mod". Read more >Here<

6. I will list some mods bellow that in my opinion is essential to Fallout 3:

Wasteland Trevellers

Eve - Energy Visuals Enhanced

Ultimate Perk Pack



As for necessary utilities:

Fallout Mod Manager

ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated (Is required by many mods)

Fallout Script Extender


I hope this helps at least a little.

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There are no dual wielding mods. It's been requested alot and everyone dreams of it, but the engine, animation, etc won't allow it.



Mm, I love me some Immersion Mods.


Wanderer feel;

Mazas Portable Campfire for those nightly needs. (It's just for show)

Makeshift bedding for when you need a place to sleep in the wastes.

krzymar Hi-Res Moon and krzymar Moon Size Tweak for that added nightly feel. (Its amazing to look at.)

Binoculars and Portable Sniper Scopes for that special spyin' business!

Down and Dirty 'cus the wasteland ain't clean. (Read the description, may result in unwanted effects, i.e if you have a mod that adds tattoos on raiders you'll sometimes suddenly have a tattoo across your face.)

Usable Cigarettes for that slow, slow death. (Don't like the losing health option? No more! Want to just have a cigarette in your mouth to get that badass look? Alright!)

Explosive Entry for those annoying out-of-place Hard locks. (Use at own risk, killed me a few times -.-'')

GNR More where that came from, adds up to 100 new songs for Three Dog to play. No more listening to the same 10-20 songs!

Fellout for that added environment feel, no more green tint! Also adds darker nights (if I recall right) so if you're gonna run with it you better be prepared for some seriously dark nights. With this you should definately have;

Fallout Street Lights and Street Lights - Wasteland. What? Haven't you heard the Brotherhood of Steel fixed alot of the lightings in the city and misc areas around the Wasteland?

Portable Bear Traps because you wouldn't want to wake up in your little camp surrounded by raiders, now would you. (Got a slight bug about it, place it upside down and it falls through the world).

Wieldable Torches. Hearin' that sound a few feet away from your camp at an especially dark night no longer triggers sleepless nights, grab a torch and check what it was!

Whats Your Brand for the smokin' man with a favourite.

FF Portable Laboratory and Infirmary for those out-in-the-field needs! (I use it for the infirmary)


Visual/Psychological Effects;

Flesh-burning Plasma Weapons for that added horrifiying effect of the plasma weapons.

NMCs Texture Pack if your computer can take it.


Weapon & Armors;

Gas Mask, 'cus, you know, dangerous air or whatever. (High Res textures for it)

Weapon Mod Kits, tinkering with what weapons you have would make sense, no? Specially silencing that rifle you just found so you can kill people without alerting the entire camp.

Accurate Assault Rifles, wouldn't want that hard-earned rifle to spray bullets left and right? (The spread on vanilla rifles is ridiculous, this isnt overpowering it, just makes it more believable)

Radiation Suits with Transparent Visors looks better than vanilla.

Scavanger Armor keep an eye on that, its got some pretty cool armors that looks very well with the Fallout universe, but Tumbajamba haven't updated it in weeks and half the armors aren't implemented in the game yet. (in the screenshots section, everything up to the Ghillie Suit sniper is included, everything above that is WIP).

Tailor Maid for those added holsters and whatnots.

Merc Caps for those cool lookin' caps!



Directional PipLight, I tried it but couldn't get it to work, it's worth a try.

Remove That Glove removes that stupid PipBoy glove that for some reason cannot be covered over by anything (ridiculous to wear a Radation Suit only to leave one hand free)

Dirty PipBoy for that worn out look on your PipBoy. (I use it, it looks great!)

PicBoy3000 should've been Vanilla; adds a picture of Dad, Amata and Jonas in different options. (I use it, looks great.)


Think your Megaton House is too fancy/luxurious? Take a look at TNF Small Megaton Shack then for a smaller, better house.

Feng Shui to place whatever mementos you find in the wasteland in your house. (Use books as posters with this! Persistent Skill Books lets you keep them after reading them)

Maybe take a look at Better Stimpacks, but at this point you're making the game really hard.


Also, obligatory to see about fitting The Cube into the story of your character. (I figure its not doable very much with BasicNeeds as you dont have any food, water, or anything for a long time)


Thats.... about it!


(Hope this doesn't count as spam :sweat: )

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