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My Distant LOD land doesn't appear ingame


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I've been following several tutorials on creating large worldspaces. None of them cover my problems:


Only some of my distand LOD land shows up. I've tried Full and Prototype.


The overview in the Heightmap editor only shows part of my worldspace. When I try importing the .raw files, it crashes every time.



My worldspace is a ginormous area, I believe larger than the playable vanilla game world, that I created in Fractal World Explorer, and then edited the .raws in photoshop. The CS does not like my .raw files.


The worldspace is accessed by a door near the sewer exit for now. On my worldspace side, the door is located in Cell 6,42 because my 0,0 is underwater.


When you arrive there, the only distand LOD that's visible is very far away, seemingly across water, but in reality not. The LOD land of the local area around the door is not there. Massive land pop in until you reach the area with LOD land.


My guess is, it's only generating the LOD land meshes for the small fraction in the overview. Is this right? How can I verify what Cell I'm in during the game, so I know which cells are getting their LOD land?


Do I even need to worry about what's in the overview? Everytime I move the little box around, it asks to save the texture. Should I do that, even if already shows in the heightmap? Most of the time, it just crashes the CS when I do it.


I'm using TES4qLOD to make the LOD land textures, and it works wonderfully. Is there any utility that does the same for .nif's?



I notice when I use TES4qLOD, it makes a lot of files in the texture folders, but the meshes folder only has a few files. The CS is not creating all the meshes, and I don't know why, and most of the time it crashes anyway.



Is this just the way it goes for making landmasses? Is this what all potential modders have to go through? The CS is unusable with all the crashing.

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try using TES4LOD :wink:


What are you talking about? TES4LODgen? That's for distance meshes on buildings and things. If it does land, it didn't even look at my mod when I ran it just now.

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