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Recommend me compilation or overhaul mods


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Yep. I re-installed Skyrim yesterday and I really don't feel like having to go through all the countless mini-mods. Something of a compilation would be highly appreciated.


I own all the DLCs and I'd say my computer should be able to handle just about everything performance wise if that helps.


Thanks in advance.

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Cinematic Fire Effects 2 HD by Ichibu

SkyFalls and SkyMills - Animated Distant Waterfalls and WindMills by SjoertJansen

Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM by Brumbek

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD FULL - Landscape, Dungeons, Towns, Misc, Rifton by NebuLa >>FPS<< (use LITE version for better FPS)

Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins by Aron (also install SMIM Compatibility patch and if using ELFX also ELFX Compatibility patch!)

Vivid Landscapes - Volcanic Area by Aron (optional)

aMidianBorn Caves and Mines by CaBaL

Detailed Rugs by raiserfx

Skyrim Flora Overhaul by vurt >>FPS<< (recommended: SFO 2dot0 Alpha 2 + Update to Alpha 20d. Set iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=7 in your Skyrim.ini)

Realistic Aspen Trees by AceeQ (!!! ONLY if you are using SFO 2.0 !!!)

Unique Grasses and Groundcovers - Nature and Landscape Enhancement by Josh Ezzell >>FPS<< (set iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=8 in Skyrim.ini)

Unbelievable Grass HD 2k and 1k by AceeQ >>FPS<< (optional, 1K-version and iMinGrassSize=40 in Skyrim.ini is recommended)

Natural Grass Texture Floor by emd (optional, but my favorite)

EWIs improved vanilla thickets 1k by ewi65 (recommended for ENB-users, i prefer the vanilla color option)

High Definition Ivy - 2K by Josh Ezzell

Realistic Water Two by isoku >>FPS<< (my preference, also install Realistic Water Two - ENB Textures from his optionals!)

Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two by paganmetalf (strongly recommended!)

optional landscape textures from Pure Waters by Laast (specific landscape textures (HD) for water areas)

AOF Detailed Mountains by AnOldFriend (my preference) OR Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Parallax by Aron

Vivid Landscapes - Cliffs and Creeks by Aron (also install Rocking Stones and Mountains Parallax - Compatibility Patch if you use his rocks!)

Moss Rocks by SparrowPrince (also install Rocking Stones and Mountains Parallax - Compatibility Patch if you use his rocks!)

Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revised by Aron (also use its SMIM compatibility patch)

Dust Effects by HHaleyy OR Finer Dust by CptJoker

Realistic Smoke and Embers by isoku (my preference) OR Better embers by Dragonborn77

Random Alternate Start by Syclonix

SkyUI by SkyUI Team

Unofficial Skyrim Patch by Unofficial Patch Project Team

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch

Unofficial Dragonborn Patch

Improved Vanilla Grass for ENB by ewi65 (if you are not using a flora overhaul mod and grass is too saturated with ENB)

Interesting NPCs by Kris Takahashi

RS Children Overhaul by Ranaline

Follower Commentary Overhaul - FCO by terzaerian

Shooting Stars by isoku

Horizon of Dreams - Night Sky and Moon Textures by Neokore

OR Alternative Stars 4K_2K_1K by Yuril

Sharlikrans Compatibility Patches by Various

Better Dialogue Controls by ecirbaf

Better MessageBox Controls by ecirbaf

Amazing Follower Tweaks by Dheuster

Dawnguard Fortress Improved High Resolution 2k by HXP

aMidianBorn Landscape 1 - amidianborn landscape one -2k- Models and textures by CaBaL

aMidianBorn Whiterun by CaBaL

Skyrim Ultra HD Texture Pack by Mystery Modder and Skunky123

EWIs Retex Meadhall Thirsk HD by ewi65 (requires Dragonborn DLC)

Skyrim Bigger Trees by xweto and jonigts >>FPS<< (Smaller Version SBT is the most realistic)

Solstheim landscape and furniture by langley

Convenient Horses by Alek

Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds by Cliffworms (do not forget the Climates of Tamriel patch!)

Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons by Cliffworms (do not forget the Climates of Tamriel and RLO patches!)

Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization by Cliffworms (do not forget the Climates of Tamriel and RLO patches!)

Unofficial Sounds of Skyrim and Enhanced Lights and FX Patches by William Imm (needed if you use SoS + ELFX)

OR Audio Overhaul for Skyrim by David Jegutidse (use instead of SoS if you prefer it)

Smart Cast by NeoRunek

Immersive Sounds - Magic by lazygecko

Immersive Spells and Light - Spells emit light by Quando

RaceMenu by Expired

ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer by kapaer (a must have to avoid CTD when opening showracemenu!)

Hd Enhanced Terrain and Map snow 2048X2048 Version by Hritik Vaishnav

Less Intrusive HUD II by Crashnburn

Skyrim Immersive Creatures by lifestorock (my preference!) OR Monster Mod by Dogtown1 and Ironman5000

Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack by Bellyache

Bellyaches HD Dragon Replacer Pack by Wrig675

Bloody Dragon Bones by Were

83Willows 101BugsHD Butterfly Dragonfly Luna-Moth Torchbug by 83Willow

Improved NPC Clothing - High Res by BaronDavid

aMidianBorn Book of Silence Armors and Weapons by CaBaL

aMidianBorn wolf armor and skyforge weapons by EmeraldReign 83Willow CaBaL

Perfect Whiterun by ReVan1199

OR Towns and Villages Enhanced - Whiterun by Aplestormy

OR The Pines of Whiterun by Valkyrie

Glorious Enviroments by Cooleoj

Visible Windows by isoku

A Quality World Map - With Roads - Quality World Map - Main Roads by IcePenguin

OR Warburgs 3D Paper World Map by Warburg

Smoking Torches by mindflux

Birds and Flocks by Kazoomie (don't forget to use Hearthfire-edition if you use Hearthfire!)

skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds by steve40

Birds of Skyrim by Qasiermo

1HD Weapons on Back TS Edition by TS

Enhanced Blood Textures by dDefinder

Deadly Spell Impacts by isoku

Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection by Isilmeriel

Isilmeriel LOTR weapons retextures by Team Isillenia

Main Font Replacement by Valistar (i'm using Fertigo)

Coverkhajiits by mrLenski

Weapons of the Third Era MoS edition by masterofshadows and 747823 originally

Weapon Retexture Project - WRP by Millenia

Splash of Rain by isoku

Fire and Ice Overhaul by ApolloDown

Static Flora by knightspk2

High Quality Food and Ingredients by Iraito

SkyRealism - Shiny by MTichenor

All in One Face for Dawnguard Vampire and Vanilla Races - UNP - CBBEv3 - Vanilla by r3320ca

ApachiiSkyHair by Apachii

ApachiiSkyHair natural Retexture by Aron

DIMONIZED UNP female body by dimon99

UNP BLESSED BODY- UNPB REDUX PROJECT by Blessed Redux Project team

XP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMS by xp32

Fitness Body by Svarog (I'm using UNP Fitness Body - Main Body with "Narrow" textures for UNPB)

OR Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for UNP UNPB and SeveNBase - WIP by Zonzai and Seren4XX

Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles by Chris57 and FavoredSoul

Natural Eyes by nevenbridge OR The Eyes Of Beauty by Gabriel Mailhot

Underworld Dawnguard - Vampire and Werewolf Eyes by Anardion

Vampire Lord Retexture by Dr Fring

No More Ugly Bronze Shine by COTS (Highly recommended to avoid ugly skinshadows and -lighting in certain light)

Edited by Valkasha
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