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Hi all,

I'm following Ac3s' tutorial for npcs go skinny-dipping, http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1081510-tutorial-by-subtanker-on-how-to-make-npcs-go-skinny-dipping/ I have it working but wanted to know if it's possible to have the script activated/deactivated in game, like say having a button somewhere or something.

Be gentile, I'm a script idiot.

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no idea


create a new global variable, make it a float or w/e set it to 0
----Add this to whatever script you are trying to toggle---
globalvariable Property counter1 Auto
int property int1 auto
event blahblah (w/e you are using)
int1 = counter1.getvalueint()
if (int1==1)
do all this crap
Now point the global variable at the one you created in propertys
On the switch I'm pretty sure this will work just fine
globalvariable property counter1 auto
int property int1 auto
event onactivate(objectreference akactionref)
int1 = counter1.getvalueint()
if (int1==1)
elseif (int1==0)
And once again point the global to the new one you created, now every time they hit the switch it changes the gv between 0 and 1 and 1 will trigger w/e trigger box if you put everything under the if I gave you up there
If you need more than that.. oh well thats it from me
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