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Need Voice Samples?


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I have probably overly enthusiastic hopes of being a voice actor some day for a game or three, and I was hoping I could get some help from the modding community. :) I don't know how easy it is to actually put new voice acting samples into the game - do the characters automatically lipsynch or is it done by animators? - but if you need someone to do male voices, I can (hopefully) do anything from gruff orcs to whiny little Bosmer. I might even be able to replicate some of the scratchy qualities of male Dunmer...


Just reply to the thread or send me a PM - I hate giving out my e-mail anywhere on the 'net, so I'll go on thread watch and keep tabs on replies. I would appreciate it greatly! ;D

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I haven't actually done any sound modding in Oblivion, but I've looked at how it appears to be set up. From what I understand, once you record the wav file, the Construction Set then generates a lip file. I don't know how customizable that generation is, if any.



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The lip file is automatically created by the CS and synched to your voice. AFAIK there's no input from the user into the lip file, it's just automatic. You have to actually record inside the quest editor, I think, although I'm not sure. It might be possible to splice the wav file over.


A recent mod I did, Willowvine Cottage, could use some voice acting, if you want to try. I'm tired of trying to deal with that 2 second cut-off point with plain text dialogue. It would have to be better than me trying to do it. :P It's not really necessary but it would make the mod more polished, and might serve as practice for you.


It's for a middle aged Imperial male (30-ish, I guess) who's trying to sell you the house. Fairly plain voice should do.


I don't really know how you want to do this, or if it'll even work so... how about you just put one line in a wav file:


"I am Forthius Idrum. I'm currently trying to sell a new house that has just come onto the market."


(Reply after player asks who he is). Then I can experiment and see if I can add it to the mod without having to record manually. Just send it to [email protected] or attach it to a PM if the file is small enough.


If you want to do this I'd appreciate it. And it'd be interesting to see if it works. ^^

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