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I have a thought


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I disagree with you Vagrant0. If something is forbidden, not allowed - it's censorship.

It's very questionable to use the word "encourage" in connection with clear interdictions.

Apart of this; what words ever you use to give the impression of a nice touch for the prohibitions

and to say it's encouragement - at the end it is censorship cause we have no choice.

So is deciding not to go off the edge on a violent tirade of obscenity and violence... If you're going to lump the two together, you might as well include self-censorship as well. There are things which are not done for the general benefit of all, and things which are done simply because someone has decided that they shouldn't be. It is my personal belief that the benefits of restricting image uploads of explicit content to a special section which is in the best interest for all, both the normal user, as well as the uploader. The normal image share has more variety in uploads, and the special section for those explicit uploads is kept away from the random troll. Images of the nature which have been uploaded to this site would not have been permitted by nearly every other image hosting site, even those premium ones. If you wish to further argue this line, then imageshack, photobucket, and most of the web are also guilty...

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I'm forced to agree with Vagrant on this one. It's not much fun (sort of) having to go through thousands of nude pictures trying to find something unique. I like some differentiation as well.
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I'm forced to agree with Vagrant on this one. It's not much fun (sort of) having to go through thousands of nude pictures trying to find something unique. I like some differentiation as well.


Agreement is irrelevant. Dark0ne decides what happens here and Vagrant enforces those decisions.


What we think or agree about is wholly irrelevant and thus I find such threads odd...to say the least.

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I'm forced to agree with Vagrant on this one. It's not much fun (sort of) having to go through thousands of nude pictures trying to find something unique. I like some differentiation as well.


Agreement is irrelevant. Dark0ne decides what happens here and Vagrant enforces those decisions.


What we think or agree about is wholly irrelevant and thus I find such threads odd...to say the least.

While Dark0ne has final say in how this site is run, it is my belief that running the site works far more smoothly when most are understanding of the rules and agree to the reasons why they exist. This site is not run with an iron fist, I don't have an SS tattooed on my collar, there are reasons why specific decisions are made, and both users and staff have their own role in deciding which decisions work and which ones ones do not. This thread, as I see it, exists for the purpose of clarification, not for debate. It has remained open thus far as a gesture toward understanding. The rules are not up to debate, but you may still inquire about them if you really don't understand why they exist, so long as it is done in a respectful and considerate manner.

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I'm forced to agree with Vagrant on this one. It's not much fun (sort of) having to go through thousands of nude pictures trying to find something unique. I like some differentiation as well.


Agreement is irrelevant. Dark0ne decides what happens here and Vagrant enforces those decisions.


What we think or agree about is wholly irrelevant and thus I find such threads odd...to say the least.


That post seems to make Dark0ne look like an evil ruler or something, which, as far as I know, he is not - he's more like the good ruler.. :)


I think Dark0ne is quite open when it comes to questioning rules, so people will understand how they work - thus, making them follow these rules. So, this thread isn't irrelevant.

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I'm forced to agree with Vagrant on this one. It's not much fun (sort of) having to go through thousands of nude pictures trying to find something unique. I like some differentiation as well.


Agreement is irrelevant. Dark0ne decides what happens here and Vagrant enforces those decisions.


What we think or agree about is wholly irrelevant and thus I find such threads odd...to say the least.


That post seems to make Dark0ne look like an evil ruler or something, which, as far as I know, he is not - he's more like the good ruler.. :)


I think Dark0ne is quite open when it comes to questioning rules, so people will understand how they work - thus, making them follow these rules. So, this thread isn't irrelevant.


I didn't say he is an evil ruler, merely an absolute one. Evil, good, or whatever...he is the absolute monarch if you will...

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You know, perhaps maintaining a spelling standard wouldn't be that bad of an idea. Though rare, some posts I've found around these forums hurt my brains, and will therefore not read them. Could just be my personal annoyance though :P


Vragrant, you make a clear point... wasn't around in that time myself, but I laughed my ass off reading this. Hard to imagine people actually come here for those purposes, but seeing as we have atleast a troll a day, it almost has to be :D people come here for strange things huh.... :P

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You know, perhaps maintaining a spelling standard wouldn't be that bad of an idea. Though rare, some posts I've found around these forums hurt my brains, and will therefore not read them. Could just be my personal annoyance though :P


Vragrant, you make a clear point... wasn't around in that time myself, but I laughed my ass off reading this. Hard to imagine people actually come here for those purposes, but seeing as we have atleast a troll a day, it almost has to be :D people come here for strange things huh.... :P


Yes, grammar as well. The lack of agreement in existential constructions in American English drives me insane. I feel like a fossil.


Violation of existential agreement, BAN HAMMER, muhahahahahah! :whistling:

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The rules themselves are inconstestable so a post such as this is without purpose.


Hardly. One of the purposes of this section of the forum is feedback. Meaning they want to know what the users of their site think about things.


Incidentally, whether one considers it just or not, on a privately owned forum, the rules can be whichever ones the owner wants them to be.


Never said he couldn't do it. Just voicing my disagreement with censorship. I understand why now, for the most part. Even though were it me, I'd have just made the images easier to filter and search through if the objectionable content is so immense. But it's not my site. Anyway, I'll say no more on this topic. I got my answer.



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Never said he couldn't do it. Just voicing my disagreement with censorship. I understand why now, for the most part. Even though were it me, I'd have just made the images easier to filter and search through if the objectionable content is so immense. But it's not my site. Anyway, I'll say no more on this topic. I got my answer.

This was considered, except that it was believed that any such filters within the general image share section would only make it easier for trolls to find something to flame and harass uploaders for. Trolls would no longer have to browse through hundreds of images showing naked women (which they have no problem with) in order to find one of a naked man (which makes them insecure of either their own anatomy or sexuality), and could then troll with ease. It was decided that adult images needed their own section, and that this section should be restricted in some way to prevent abuse of staff, uploaders, and the image share feature. Although the same arguments could be made for a special mod upload section, this was not done for more or less obvious reasons.


As for the grammar and spelling issue, this would not be fair to those who do not speak English as their native language as well as the inherently stupid/lazy. Some consideration for the poster's circumstances is suggested as long as the intention of the post is not clearly spam or nonsense.

Edited by Vagrant0
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