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Getting constant CTD


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I think this is common problem but I'm getting little hopeless with this.


So, bought GOTY edition from Steam, even though I have "vanilla" Fallout and it worked fine back then.

Downloaded and installed it but when trying to start new game it loads few seconds and then crashes to desktop.


I have tried pretty much everything already,removed codec packs, tweaking .ini, the FO3 ram boost thingy, clean installs few times and trying different setting with graphics but nothing works.

Only thing that changes is how long it loads before crashing when trying to start new game.


Ongelmatapahtuman nimi: APPCRASH

Sovelluksen nimi: Fallout3.exe

Sovelluksen versio:

Sovelluksen aikaleima: 4a40f18b

Vikamoduulin nimi: Fallout3.exe

Vikamoduulin versio:

Vikamoduulin aikaleima: 4a40f18b

Poikkeuskoodi: c0000005

Poikkeuksen poikkeama: 006ddf7b

Käyttöjärjestelmän versio: 6.0.6002.

Lokaalin tunnus: 1035

Lisätietoja 1: fd00

Lisätietoja 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160

Lisätietoja 3: fd00

Lisätietoja 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160


Getting this everytime when it crashes, windows crash info.


My machine : Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 2.6GHz, 4GB ram, Nvidia 260 GTX,SB Audigy 2 and 32bit Vista (yeah it's crap etc).


Added dxdiag info if someone gets something out of it.

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So you had a normal retail install of FO3 before?

And you can continue all your save games, but every time you want to start a new game, FO3 crashes.

Did I get that right?


Can't actually say anything about loading earlier saves since they got destroyed when I reinstalled windows sometime ago.

Only thing that has changed since I played normal FO3 is that I reinstalled windows.

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Got it working atlast few days ago.


ASUS smart doctor and/or gamerOSD (or something) were the reason I had problems, after removing them my fallout has worked like a charm.


So if you have problems with the game and have these programs, try removing them.

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