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Unable to finish game


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Something is wrong with my game, I can't go to Hoover Dam! I've tried with House, that didn't work, just stayed in the penthouse unable 2 walk around but I could move the screen around, since I thought it was a glitch with House I killed & put Yes Man in the Lucky 38, did his missions & when it came for the Battle at Hoover Dam, the same thing happened, to far along to even try with NCR & Legion. I guess It's trying to load that screen message that says if I'm sure I'm ready to head to Hoover Dam & that I won't be able to come back so it creates a gamesave but it NEVER pops up...

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try this:


1) go to victors shack, leave all followers / companions outside, enter

2) wait in game for 7 days, save, quit to desktop, reload the new save

3) get followers / companions, then try


This will reset all your game world cells and scripts

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