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Remove border on windowed?


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Crash? So I should have stuck with the console version because having dual monitors just really isn't going to work out for me with Oblivion?

as Kivan found during extensive research





But here you have mods.



Of course there is a workable low tech solution


tape a cardboard cut-out over the screen to hide the extra boarder


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  • 1 month later...

Crash? So I should have stuck with the console version because having dual monitors just really isn't going to work out for me with Oblivion?

as Kivan found during extensive research





But here you have mods.



Of course there is a workable low tech solution


tape a cardboard cut-out over the screen to hide the extra boarder




Well, that's not very nice. I would like this kind of thing because crashes are inevitable anyway with over 50 mods, and I'd rather not have the game hijack my computer until I control+alt+delete.

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  • 1 month later...

First of all, I cannot believe how rude you all are being to this guy! He just wanted some help, you made him believe that what he wanted was impossible. It is very easy to do.


http://www.autohotkey.com/ Download this program.


Run AU3_Spy.exe and click into Oblivion, write down what the AU3_Spy window lists for 'ahk_class'.


Open notepad and type in the following (replacing the things in parentheses with the correct items) :


Run (the full path to your Oblivion exe)
Sleep 6000
WinWait, ahk_class (the ahk_class for Oblivion)
	WinSet, Style, -0xC00000
	WinMove, , , 0, 0, (width), (height)
Sleep 6000


Save this as Oblivion Window.ahk and run it. If you would like, you can also use the Ahk2Exe.exe file to turn the script into an executable file.


For example, yours might look like this:

Run C:\Program Files(x86)\Oblivion\Oblivion.exe
Sleep 6000
WinWait, ahk_class Oblivion
	WinSet, Style, -0xC00000
	WinMove, , , 0, 0, 1920, 1080
Sleep 6000



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  • 2 weeks later...
The one way I know is much simpler than AutoHotKey, and does not involve removing the border completely. Run Oblivion in the native resolution and then move the window so that the borders are obscured (best done at native resolution). Aero will snap back the window, but if you use a program ShiftWindow it will do it automagically for you, and will help you do it every time you run Oblivion. I have a guide written up on my site here: http://www.shinyhacks.com/2010/08/how-to-play-any-game-in-windowed.html. Good luck!
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