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Special BBCode?


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Just wondering what all the Special BBCode does. I either understand or have figured out what most of it means, but especially those with Option and Content, I'm not entirely sure what to put into the boxes (usually Option). Here's a quick picture of what I mean:




#1: How do I change the background to transparent? Often when copying from another site like the Bethesda Forums, I want to keep all my text formatting, but the background is wrong, where everything else is right. I usually end up having to remove formatting, then go through and resize, add italics, etc. again. Not a huge hassle, just wondering if there's something I could do.


#2: What do these three do? What should you input in the content/option boxes?


#3: When I tried this one, it just seemed to create a new line space. (Like pressing Return.) It doesn't seem too complicated, so is that all it does?


#4: What does this do? What should you put in the content/option boxes?


#5: I figure this was just a test (obviously), but is there any reason it's still there? I'm sure it's probably just a very minor thing and thus not at all a high priority, but I was just wondering if there was another, current use for it. Doesn't bother me at all, just curious.


I'd appreciate any answers! Thank you.


EDIT: Also, does anyone know why BBCode like colors aren't always saved when you publish your post?

Edited by Matthiaswagg
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