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I need some help., seemignly unfixable mod, either fatal failure of qu


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hi all, I need some help, Ive got a fatal error with OOO, Ive had a look at it with the CS, Ive reinstalled, Ive talked to the fans, and its gotten me nowhere.


The problem is I recently installed OOO 1.3.2, everything went normaly, and for a full 3 hours it worked perfectly, I logged out and then yesterday it simply wouldnt work. whenever the ingame time ticked over to dawn, and the daybreak effects started, the game simply froze, didnt ctd, didnt crash, just froze, much like a similar armamentarium crash I had(unresolvable) Ive looked over my admitedly very short load order, everything is where it should be, the files are installed perfectly and for some reason the male without a father thing wont work, even with all other mods switched off, nothing.


Ive looked at this and the only conclusion I can come up with is a crash in the .esp, probably due to shoddy programming, as it cant be compatability as I use the latest patch and no other mods, meaning the only possible culprits are OOO and oblivion itself, which works fine with OOO removed and any combination of my other few mods, but with OOO esm and esp it suffurs the dawn crash.


Thats all Ive been able to find out as I lack a CS at the moment or the technical experience with mods to disassemble and repair it myself, I tried talking to the OOO fanbase but was simply told that inability to make OOO run made me a retard and thus not worth their time, so any help that can be offfered would be greatly appreciated.

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Edit: dont bother replying, its a bit to late to save my system, the mod is defective, and destroyed "hidden" parts of my install that neither I nore my IT consultant buddy can repair, thanks a bloody lot oscuro, thanks to your mod being uploaded faulty, I now have to wwaste more than a week repairing my machien, thanks a lot indeed/
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There are no "hidden parts of install" which OOO would modify unless you simply installed in wrong. Given the sheer number of users who use this mod successfully and the reputation of the creator, the most reasonable explanation is that you made a mistake somewhere either in installing the game, installing the mod, or otherwise have a faulty system. Given that you are talking about a complete system reformat (the loss of a week) and the fact that it was something which resulted in a locking up, as opposed to the normal crashing, suggests that the problem was not mod related, but something related to your system.


For reference, depending on what OTHER mods you had installed, disabling them, or improperly installing them is just as likely to cause this sort of problem than any other mod. Since the problem is related to a system lock, the problem is likely related to either hardware, shader changes, or improperly installed replacement textures/meshes. ALL of these would not go away with the disabling of a mod since they add files to the Oblivion data folder.


No offense to your IT friend, but something here doesn't compute. Even if it were some minor issue with the Oblivion install or the data folder, this would not require anything more than uninstalling the game and reinstalling it. Furthermore, just because someone is in an IT related field does not mean they know the first thing about using mods with Oblivion or games at all.


Regardless, before you start trashing the work of someone else, regardless of who it is, you should probably explain your whole situation to someone who may be reasonable knowledgeable about the particular case (fanbase doesn't necessarily mean they know anything) instead of jumping to conclusions. If the problem is so severe that you need to reformat instead of simply reinstall, it is almost certainly a problem with the system or some rather large mistake you, or your friend did somewhere along the process.


Since this will likely be an ongoing issue, you may wish to take some time to learn how to use and install mods properly, as well as learn a bit about how to maintain and protect your system. You should also be aware that, atleast as far as Oblivion mods are concerned, you should always start a new game after adding any significant mods, and add mods one at a time to ensure that they are installed properly. If you are using an automated process for installing, such as .omod, you should also be aware that conflicts between .omod data overwrites are not always reported, and can be the source of many issues both in installing mods and uninstalling them. Learning how to install manually and being aware of what mods affect is usually the best way to go if you want to prevent conflicts.

Edited by Vagrant0
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Vagrant0 is right, I have OOO, MMM and about 200 other mods working together with FCOM, and the fact that's it's freezing points to a system issues (normally Obliv just crashes instantly) I say something is loading and your system might not be up to doing the job in an acceptable timeline. list all the mods your using and what mod programs (OBMM, BASH, BOSS, etc...) maybe your system specs will help too.
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ok here we go: system is: vista x64, barely a year old, no previous unreliability. programes at the time were: obse v 18, obmm, and formerly a copy of wryebash that I had uninstalled. mods: omod format: akatosh mount mod by Saidenstorm, eyelash omod by various people, darkdarnified UI in its most recent form: exe format: ooo 1.3.2, self installing format: hg/ec body v21, manualy installed(reliability/install success): thieves arsenal(untested/untested) ac2revisisted gear hg/ec (glitchless/fully installed) reneer's guard overhaul(untested/properly installed) scarlet monestary(virtualy all vannilla/worked perfectly) blackrock mountain(as per scarlet) obse using: deadly reflex 5(faultless/installed normaly) crossbows of cyrodiil(no glitches, easy to install), other/espless: facial txxtures by enayla, ift v21. at the moment I've only got one main issue and thats immediate crashing on startup, ctd style, as of now Im deleting every last scrap of this game's data I can find



edit: thanks for the help guys, and sorry about the aggro vagrant, I was rather furious about this when these were initialy posted and not thinking cearly enough to be democratic, the posts shall be reworded with a lot less vitriol, as for Oblivion, I did a system restore and purged every scrap of data, especialy my configuration and its now 50% working.the error is now that when I click new game, nothing happens, the same for display credits

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Hmmm ,well I only know really 3 or those mods very well...

K lets try this, Download BOSS you only need the "BOSS 1dot5 2 April 2010" and "Masterlist Update 2010-06-06 June 6th 2010"

this program is the best and simplest addition to oblivion you can get, and it complements wrye bash so well, I only use OBMM when a mod comes in a .omod file.

now get the .esm's and .esp's from each of your mods (don't worry about the model/texture folders yet) and put them in your data folder (if you need to make an OMOD from any you can just do that, because you can always just turn it off) now run BOSS using the .bat file as stated in the readme. any incompatibilities will be listed as well as suggestions and also your load order. now install each mod in the sequence of your load order following each mods instructions. (assuming no problems have been stated)


use wrye bash to sort your load order, you can just unlock your load order in bash run BOSS to sort it for you, then lock the order again. (do this by right clicking the file column header and ticking or un-ticking "lock times") now just run Oblivion, BUT DON"T JUST START IT NORMALLY your using OBSE so you need to execute obse_loader.exe to start the game.


see how you go.


and maybe post the BOSS text output here.

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edit: thanks for the help guys, and sorry about the aggro vagrant

Just be sure to go back and change your negative endorsement when you finally get it working.


As for your system, it would probably help to know what sort of videocard and RAM you have. If it was a system bought in a store which wasn't upgraded, it may be a bit lacking in this regard for what is needed with Vista as this was the source of most of the initial complaints about Vista. Early on PC manufacturers weren't giving the system enough RAM to do much more than run windows and some minor applications. As such, that system, while it might still be able to run Oblivion, would undoubtedly end up having problems once the game has been going for long enough, or once you started using anything other than a few small mods. OOO is a rather large mod which is all .esp based, and is all loaded into RAM, so it may have been too large for your system to handle.


After installing and patching, you should ALWAYS play the game for a few moments first, using console to leave the sewers BEFORE installing ANY mods. This is to ensure that everything related to the base game is installed and can be handled properly. Then you should install any large mods you may want to use, OOO, DR, any race mods, any skin, eyes, hair mods, and other large mods which MUST be installed on a new game... One mod at a time, testing each one after install. Once you begin a new game and actually start playing, you should refrain from updating, changing, or removing any of these "core" mods as doing so will almost certainly lead to problems of one sort or another. You may add smaller mods to a game in progress, as long as these mods do not change any vanilla actors or areas in a significant way. Even when installing minor mods, you should ALWAYS test to make sure the mod is working properly before overwriting any previous saves so that if the mod is broken in some way, you can always revert to that earlier save after properly removing/fixing that mod.

Edited by Vagrant0
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Thanks for the help guys, BOSS, an INI delete and general datapurge, and a reboot have sorted this all out, so far in my testing its running at 100% and Ive come away a bit wiser for the trouble. as I had said, ive removed my negative review and set about reinstalling my backup data... carefully
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