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how do I find the bag of holding


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Hi. It's been 3 years since playing and I just bought the steam deluxe version of Oblivion. So i loaded the bag of holding but discovered it is now in the game somewhere. The author of the game said there is a new hints section, which I can't find.


Can someone please tell me where the bag of holding is located.


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the hint section from the readme from the download



2. Hints To Find The Bag

Highlight below hint to see the hint.


Hint #1


You can find the bag in an Ayleid ruin.


Hint #2


The name of the Ayleid ruin is Vilverin.


Hint #3


Which is close to the Imperial Prison Sewer entrance.


Hint #4


It is located on the 4th level of Vilverin called "Vilverin Sel Sancremathi".


Hint #5


In a brazier near a necromancer called Jalbert, looks like your standard sack.

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