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Interesting crash issue...

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Oblivion had been running relatively stably for a while, but recently it has become crashtastic. I have Streamline configured to give me a save reminder every 10 minutes, but rarely see this! I have not made any significant mod changes over that period. I do run several `big' mods (eg Better Cities, Unique Landscapes, RAEVWD), but maintain ~30FPS most of the time. It has just dawned on me what may be the trigger: running. I always seem to crash while running. How is this significant? I use a fatigue mod, so previously could not run very much: I walked everywhere. I have recently started abusing spells that restore fatigue to allow myself to run between points on the map, and it would be about then that I started having issues. To confirm this, I tried walking again, and went for the rest of my gaming session (30 minutes) without a crash.


I manage all my mods through OBMM, use BOSS to get them (mostly) in the right order, Wrye Bash for final order tweaks and the bashed patch, then sometimes run TES4LODGen if I have added any relevant mods. I launch with OBSE and have an anti-crash dll loaded though this; I also recently added Streamline (since the crashing started). I have a good PC (i7, 3GB RAM, 1GB VRAM) with Windows 7. Is there anything I could be doing wrong, or perhaps should be doing to help resolve this issue?

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Sorry to double-post, but I have discovered another odd crash. Whenever I enter the area north of Kvatch (around Fort Linchal area) I get a CTD. Every time, without fail, no matter what direction I approach from. This strikes me as odd, as I have no mods that change Kvatch or its surrounding area. I know I have been here before (after all, the fort is on my map!), but I cannot seem to approach any more. I have not even begun the main quest yet, so it cannot be related to Oblivion Gates or any such craziness.
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