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duel wield 1h guns/ melee


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was ther a atampt for a duel wield 1h guns and melee weapons i think it will be cool to have 2 1h guns and just shoot up ppl and stuff and for melee weapons to with swords and knifs if there is a mod post a link if theres not then hopefully someone makes a mod for it
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First off, PLEASE use proper spelling at the least, it'll make you sound like a complete idiot if you don't


and second, I sincerely doubt that there are one handed guns, especially not dual-wielded. I do believe there are dual-wield swords around somewhere, though

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First off, PLEASE use proper spelling at the least, it'll make you sound like a complete idiot if you don't


and second, I sincerely doubt that there are one handed guns, especially not dual-wielded. I do believe there are dual-wield swords around somewhere, though


well first off i dont care how i spell certain words if you can read them thats great if not oh well so who cares on how words are spelt on the nexus site if its a readme for a mod then ill use perfect spelling but if im posting something then it doesnt matter

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I cringe every time I see someone say "it doesn't matter on <insert website or web-in-general here>." :verymad:


And dual wield is pretty much impossible.


I cringe every time I see a threat about that, too.

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well first off i dont care how i spell certain words if you can read them thats great if not oh well so who cares on how words are spelt on the nexus site if its a readme for a mod then ill use perfect spelling but if im posting something then it doesnt matter

It's a courtesy thing. Making a gross amount of spelling errors doesn't make your post significantly more difficult to read, but it does add a layer of deciphering to the process, and it will make people think less of your intelligence.


This mod gets requested quite a bit; the search feature can attest to that. J.S. Black (I think) had it working for melee weapons, but it was never released, which probably means it wasn't functioning on a level that he considered to be releasable. As far as guns, I really wouldn't get my hopes up.


I wouldn't say it's impossible, but I figure it's impossible to do respectably. There's a handful of people around here who react to statements like that with encouraging things like, "well, maybe you guys just need to think harder and you'll figure out a way to make Fallout 3 do this really cool thing a lot of people want it to do!" Which gives the impression that they think we're all just too dumb to make it happen. Perhaps they're not entirely wrong!


I would ask those people, though, to consider a VCR. A VCR has a set of functions that it's pretty good at: it can play, fast-forward, or rewind a tape; you can program it to start recording a show at a specific time; it might even be able to tell you what time it is. It cannot, however, play tennis. Perhaps with a significant amount of imagination, you could devise a way to use the existing functions the VCR is capable of to overcome this limitation, and you would certainly impress a lot of people in doing so, but it probably wouldn't be a very practical application of your time or the VCR's, because it's still a VCR, and the people who made it probably didn't consider the possibility of someone using it as a tennis partner.


In terms of the amount of complications entailed, asking us to add dual-wielding to Fallout 3 is kind of like asking us to make your VCR play tennis.

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well first off i dont care how i spell certain words if you can read them thats great if not oh well so who cares on how words are spelt on the nexus site if its a readme for a mod then ill use perfect spelling but if im posting something then it doesnt matter

It's a courtesy thing. Making a gross amount of spelling errors doesn't make your post significantly more difficult to read, but it does add a layer of deciphering to the process, and it will make people think less of your intelligence.


This mod gets requested quite a bit; the search feature can attest to that. J.S. Black (I think) had it working for melee weapons, but it was never released, which probably means it wasn't functioning on a level that he considered to be releasable. As far as guns, I really wouldn't get my hopes up.


I wouldn't say it's impossible, but I figure it's impossible to do respectably. There's a handful of people around here who react to statements like that with encouraging things like, "well, maybe you guys just need to think harder and you'll figure out a way to make Fallout 3 do this really cool thing a lot of people want it to do!" Which gives the impression that they think we're all just too dumb to make it happen. Perhaps they're not entirely wrong!


I would ask those people, though, to consider a VCR. A VCR has a set of functions that it's pretty good at: it can play, fast-forward, or rewind a tape; you can program it to start recording a show at a specific time; it might even be able to tell you what time it is. It cannot, however, play tennis. Perhaps with a significant amount of imagination, you could devise a way to use the existing functions the VCR is capable of to overcome this limitation, and you would certainly impress a lot of people in doing so, but it probably wouldn't be a very practical application of your time or the VCR's, because it's still a VCR, and the people who made it probably didn't consider the possibility of someone using it as a tennis partner.


In terms of the amount of complications entailed, asking us to add dual-wielding to Fallout 3 is kind of like asking us to make your VCR play tennis.



i dont have alot of errors when i type stuff anyway im sure people have days when they dont spell to good and besides i wasnt making and threats i just saying it shouldnt matter how people spell out words and such im just letting they guy know i dont care how it is spelled i know how to read what i type and decipher it ok heres and example if you text people via cell phone how would you spell words to the person if i was txting people saying i was with people ill put ppl for short to make space so i was being pretty nice to the guy who responded and im the kind of person who doesnt like to type really long topics so i use shortcuts for words do you see where im coming from

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i dont have alot of errors when i type stuff anyway im sure people have days when they dont spell to good and besides i wasnt making and threats i just saying it shouldnt matter how people spell out words and such im just letting they guy know i dont care how it is spelled i know how to read what i type and decipher it ok heres and example if you text people via cell phone how would you spell words to the person if i was txting people saying i was with people ill put ppl for short to make space so i was being pretty nice to the guy who responded and im the kind of person who doesnt like to type really long topics so i use shortcuts for words do you see where im coming from

He mis-spelled Thread, but it doesn't matter because he has mastered the art of the full-stop. Something which eludes you.

Secondly, this is not a *ban* MSN conversation, you want people to take your idea seriously? Request it seriously. I've seen chinese speakers who've done half a term of high school English use better grammar than you. does your keyboard even have a full stop key?!?! We don't care if you want to use shortcuts, you want to ask someone to do something it's only a small courtesey to do it ledgibly. Not as if you have to spend half an hour with a fountain pen doing fancy curls or anything it just requires the useage of the "Shift" keyo no the first letter of each sencence and placing a "." at the end... I could do it when I was 5, how about you?


i dont care how it is spelled i know how to read what i type and decipher it

The idea of language is for the other party to be able to understand it, not yourself...


if you text people via cell phone

But this isn't a cell phone, it's the internet. Laziness is no excuse for writing terribly, especially if you know you can do it but can't be bothered. I'm extremely lazy, I'm slouched half way to the floor right now in a reasonably comfy cair, but I can still be bothered to communicate properly.


how would you spell words to the person if i was txting people saying i was with people ill put ppl for short to make space

That's because text messages are short and billed per-page. This is the internet and you most likely have broadband. An entire text message is going to be around 500 bytes. If you're on dialup you have 56 thousand bytes a second. Space is no issue, courtesey is.


im the kind of person who doesnt like to type really long topics

I'm the kind of person who refuses to help those who won't even put in the effort to ask properly. Guess what? I'm in the majority here.


Yes, the idea has come up before, yes you many be a perfectly good person, yes I may be a hypocritical and condescending male without a father and yes you do need to use punctuation. Have a nice day.

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i dont have alot of errors when i type stuff anyway im sure people have days when they dont spell to good and besides i wasnt making and threats i just saying it shouldnt matter how people spell out words and such im just letting they guy know i dont care how it is spelled i know how to read what i type and decipher it ok heres and example if you text people via cell phone how would you spell words to the person if i was txting people saying i was with people ill put ppl for short to make space so i was being pretty nice to the guy who responded and im the kind of person who doesnt like to type really long topics so i use shortcuts for words do you see where im coming from

He mis-spelled Thread, but it doesn't matter because he has mastered the art of the full-stop. Something which eludes you.

Secondly, this is not a *ban* MSN conversation, you want people to take your idea seriously? Request it seriously. I've seen chinese speakers who've done half a term of high school English use better grammar than you. does your keyboard even have a full stop key?!?! We don't care if you want to use shortcuts, you want to ask someone to do something it's only a small courtesey to do it ledgibly. Not as if you have to spend half an hour with a fountain pen doing fancy curls or anything it just requires the useage of the "Shift" keyo no the first letter of each sencence and placing a "." at the end... I could do it when I was 5, how about you?


i dont care how it is spelled i know how to read what i type and decipher it

The idea of language is for the other party to be able to understand it, not yourself...


if you text people via cell phone

But this isn't a cell phone, it's the internet. Laziness is no excuse for writing terribly, especially if you know you can do it but can't be bothered. I'm extremely lazy, I'm slouched half way to the floor right now in a reasonably comfy cair, but I can still be bothered to communicate properly.


how would you spell words to the person if i was txting people saying i was with people ill put ppl for short to make space

That's because text messages are short and billed per-page. This is the internet and you most likely have broadband. An entire text message is going to be around 500 bytes. If you're on dialup you have 56 thousand bytes a second. Space is no issue, courtesey is.


im the kind of person who doesnt like to type really long topics

I'm the kind of person who refuses to help those who won't even put in the effort to ask properly. Guess what? I'm in the majority here.


Yes, the idea has come up before, yes you many be a perfectly good person, yes I may be a hypocritical and condescending male without a father and yes you do need to use punctuation. Have a nice day.



full stop?? dont know what that is anyway sometimes i type so fast my spelling gets screwed up and when i post i type fast and i dont check if i have errors then i submit it then people say you have bad grammer and it kinda irritates me that people say stuff but anyway i see where your coming from courtesey is good to have and use so and im wanting a duel wielding handgun mod but if thats not possible i want the topic takin down

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This is how you should have asked the original question.


I think it would be cool if someone made a mod that allows dual-wielding of one-handed weapons. I am incapable of using the search function, so I want someone else to do my work for me. If there is a mod like that already, please post a link. If not, well, I hope someone makes one.


For a clue as to what a full stop is, compare our posts to yours. See what ours have that yours don't.

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