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<HELP!!> Mod Meltdown!


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Right off the bat this is going to sound like the recovery story of an alcoholic or drug user,

But I need to highlight my stupidity to provoke a genuine helpful response lol.




I recently purchased the Steam Version of Oblivion with all included download-able content, patches and expansions,

Operating under the knowledge that I knew the PC Oblivion community had a very extensive profile of mods to contribute to this game I had previously played on the 360.



I'm no stranger to modding my games and picked up on the Oblivion Mod Manager and Script Extender recommended by various sites rather quickly.





I overzealously began to install EVERY MOD I could get my hands on after trying out a few basic texture changes and installing a few race change OMODS and weapon additions.


Long story short I filled my game up with too many mods, and suddenly my game would not launch.


So I began disabling and Enabling random combination of mod's until I realized what caused the launch conflict.


Once I launched the game successfully however, Most of the NPC character's all had missing torso's and eyeballs that had doubled up in there head looking like two split googly eyes that really freaked me out.


Rather than see if I missed any mods I assumed It was broken and went to uninstall it.


When the steam library list would not accept my right clicking and un-installing the files the normal way I just deleted the common data oblivion folder it was in and Re-downloaded the game.


Now, with the game re-installed, Every time I launch it vanilla, It just crashes immediately as the Bethesda logo plays.


I have no clue what is causing this to happen and I have tried deleting the fresh folder and re-installing the game Twice now.


I am running Window's Seven Eternity (Essentially windows Seven Ultimate Edition) On a powerful enough computer to run this game on full settings without flaws, i've ruled out graphical errors on the hardware's part.


so, any suggestions!?

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When you uninstall by deleting folders instead of using the uninstaller, things get left in a mess. And sometimes when you try to reinstall, it runs into some of those things that got left behind.


This is based on the disk version, but most of it still applies to the steam - the game is just installed in a different location


Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the articles section of the Nexus



It allows you to preserve any saves and mods, or remove them completely - your choice.

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