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or it could change all there dispositions that are in range to hear it..kinda like you say something mean back and they like "what a jerk" and Their disposition drops you say something nice and they hear it and think "aww he is a nice man" you see what i mean your comment couldimpact how multiple people think of you^^
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Yes but you are thinking of only one level of disposition. Say something rude to a guard to lower his disposition to you should actually make a nearby thief / begger raise their disposition towards you. Give a compliment to a gender opposite you and have all of that gender nearby also be raised but lower the other genders disposition. etc.


There are a LOT of factors to consider if you want to make it any bit "realistic" when you start interactions like this and there will always be something odd that doesn't work and thus always in need of "fixing" I think.



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If you are talking about adding a few custom voices (e.g. sound fx), that would be easy to add sound fx entries.


The sound fx can be fired off using vanilla script (PlaySound). However, I have not tried to make key inputs so I'm not sure if this can be done without OBSE. I do know that OBSE allows keys to be configured to call certain functions (GetControl).


Anyone that uses several OBSE mods knows about the problems of mods conflicting with their keyboard assignments so you'd need to be careful here.


But everything I was just talking about is purely non-interactive. You press a key and you hear audio. I think whoever that tries to have it interact with NPCs is going to have a very difficult and complicated time doing so. Example: There are 3 NPCs standing around you that are talking and you respond...but which one is it that "takes your response" and adjusts their disposition accordingly? Probably would have to start using a targeting system where the reply goes to the NPC at the crosshair...but what if there is nobody at the crosshair? etc., etc., etc.




To be honest, after looking at those links you provided, I don't even know where to begin. I look at all that code and think, hours of time I don't have atm. Your questions raise a good point, and the programming for this would require OBSE I'm sure.


Perhaps there can be two versions of this, a simple non-OBSE version, and a disposition related OBSE version. If OBSE is needed never the less, then the simple version would not include any disposition effects.


And as far as being compatible with other mods that use hot keys, make it so that you can configure them yourself.

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Wow LHammonds i never thought about beggars and theif's and things like that this would indeend be a very difficult mod...But hey more difficult mods have been made before i mean c'mon people make full questlines!!..Someone actaully added morrowind to OBLIVION!!! it has to be possible if everyone does what they can to help!
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Wow LHammonds i never thought about beggars and theif's and things like that this would indeend be a very difficult mod...But hey more difficult mods have been made before i mean c'mon people make full questlines!!..Someone actaully added morrowind to OBLIVION!!! it has to be possible if everyone does what they can to help!


I think it would be cool to just start out with a non-disposition type mod, that way there can be a foundation for any further complicated disposition factors to be involved in an upgraded version of this type of mod. This way it may actually get started, as with the difficulty of the disposition factors, that can be decided to be done after a simple version is released and tested I believe.

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I do agree with you i would much rather have a version that does not change the disposition factor, than to just not have it at all i loev this idea and would absolutely love to have it created!
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