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Metal Gear Solid: Rising


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I just saw the E3 trailer from IGN, (I won't post the link for reasons I'll discuss below) it looks good definitely. Playing as a Cyborg Ninja and putting his cqc/sword skills on the hands of the player really caught my eye. Too bad I don't own a 360 lol.


But the gameplay that was shown both excites me and disturbes me. The catch phrase goes like this... "Cut... Cut what you will". Then they show Raiden slice up a van, dice a watermelon, and hack at human opponents. Yes other games have done ultra violence over the years, but I've never seen it done by the player in super slow motion and with very high detail. I have seen my share of blood, and seeing the video brings back memories I'd rather forget. I wonder how they will do the commercials and who the target market will be. I'm guessing 15 and above, but that disturbs me more.


So what do you think? Too much or is it fine letting your nephew see you playing it or whatever? Share your thoughts.

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I'm really looking forward to it. They've overused the various Snakes now, so Raiden will be a nice change. Also the detail in the cutting of the watermelon looked epic. You could cut it loads of times in random places.


I'll wait for some more gameplay videos before I properly make my decision on whether to buy it though.

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Well this is just me, its a sad day when a franchise like Metal Gear goes multi console, the quality i think won't be nearly as good as metal gear 4 for it maxed out a 50gb bd disk. I wonder what this one will be like. Will the quality be the same.


Lets hope.


Will it have the cut scenes like MGS 4 had.


http://www.psu.com/news/2924 they had to cut out duel audio for it didn't fit.

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I don't really care about what it looks like to be honest. A good story and great gameplay is what Kojima do best.


50gb blueray discs are overrated anyway. I honestly can't tell the difference... :tongue:

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It looks great... but it doesn't look like Metal Gear Solid. I mean, obviously, lack of Snake, but that's ok, we've seen his story. But it doesn't appear very stealthy. I can only hope that it will be like MGS4 and have action and stealth integrated together, and they just didn't show the stealth.
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I'm sure Hideo Kojima will fit Snake in somewhere in the storyline, and probably another cyborg ninja (crossing fingers!).
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I can't help but feel apprehensive as to whether or not it can compare with previous titles by Kojima. I loved MGS simply because the mixture of stealth and action was not really done, or done as well by anyone else. Turning it into a gory hack and slash seems like a bad move to me...
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I can't help but feel apprehensive as to whether or not it can compare with previous titles by Kojima. I loved MGS simply because the mixture of stealth and action was not really done, or done as well by anyone else. Turning it into a gory hack and slash seems like a bad move to me...



What he said :happy: .

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  • 3 weeks later...

In this months (I think), OXM, they said that it takes place between MGS2 and MGS3. It's supposed to tell us about what Raiden did during that period and how he became a cyborg ninja. There are also supposed to be cameo appearances from Snake, but they're more like easter eggs, and aren't involved with the story much.


Also, Raidens armour looks way cooler in Rising than it did in MGS4.

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