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Problem with moddinh, need some help.


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First of all, I'm sorry if a similar problem has been solved before.


I bought Oblivions GOTY Deluxe edition off Steam yesterday and started modding it, following a modding chart I found on the internet.

I installed all my mods with OBMM and apparently everything went well, but when I try to start the game through Steam, the game starts, the screen turns black, and the game closes, without any error messages whatsoever.

I used BOSS (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20516) already, so I think my load order is correct.

I wonder if I made a mistake, and if any of you could help me.

I'll attach my load order here.

Thanks in advance =)



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if you have mods that need OBSE, do you have it installed?

aside from this, i think that using the steam launcher is a problem in modded games

i have seen a similar problem for Fallout 3

now, i hope you have OBMM, and if you do, try to start the game with OBMM launcher

please tell if it works or not

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from what you posted


it looks like you have all parts of MMM activated at the same time


some options don't work with other options


and the BOSS report will tell you this


and using sections that require other sections that aren't installed will cause a crash



you are using parts of MMM that require Frans


Don't see frans.




So . . .


Start by reading your BOSS report carefully

and dealing with all its notes.

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