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Altering NPC faces


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I'm trying to change the face on my Dark Minion and Deepscorn Prisoner from the Vile Lair Official DLC. This is new to me and several searches later I've not been able to find any help. I'm not trying to understand everything involved, I really just want to know how to give these two NPCs my Player's face (I can manage to alter my own face just fine if I want to remain unique in the game). I'd rather not have Wyre Bash as a solution as it results in a headache. Please and Thank you.



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I haven't done it myself, but from what I have read in some tutorials and on the boards. You would have to do it in the CS. I think you would have to call them up and make the changes. I don't know whether you would make that particular part active or not or whether you would have to generate a new .esp and activate it in the data files. I wish I could be more helpful :(
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