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climate change and the future: debate.


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there is no getting away from the fact that global weather is changing, just in my lifetime the yearly weather patterns have gotten increasingly unpredictable, when I was young, everything was quite predictable, in summer, every day started out warm, humid, and sunny, with large cumulous clouds dappling the sky, getting more overcast as the day wore on, until in the laft afternoon you got a sudden rain downpour so reliable you could set your watch by it.


Now however, summer is noticeably hotter, with scorching sunlight, less humidity, and sudden, exceptionaly violent thunderstroms striking in a matter of hours. if not minutes, until a decade ago, floods were a one-in-a-century thing. in the last ten years however we had perhaps 6 floods inside the city perimetre, with several fatalities. usualy caused by "agressive" thunderstorms that form quickly, hover perhaps an hour in the late afternoon, then unleash a barrage of torrential rain, lashing high winds, fierce lighting and even autumn hail, followed by heavy, constant downpour for as much as a week at a time, with such storms appearing almost at random on summer afternoons.


Climate change is a major concern, this is just a sample of the effects Ive seen living in Brisbane, in subtropical central east coast of australia, but what should be done about it? well alot of people see this and say, cars are at fault, ban cars! others say that industry deserves the blame, for manufacturing dependancy and being so thoughtless in what damage they did to the environment. Yet more factions say this could well be an natural change, like those that happened during the prehistoric past and which dictated to a degree, the sea levels and effected evolution. Finaly, some say that poverty is the root of evil, for example deforestation in the Amazon being caused by illegal logging, inturn brought on by people not having any other way to feed their families.


But what do you people think? have your say, but please keep it civil, and obey forum rules, no religion, and no flaming, hate, or swearing at people for perceived ignorance, or for differening opinions

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Now, the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol is the conditio sine qua non for any discourse on the matter that claims to be more than a mere clash of cracker-barrel opinions based upon shortsighted impressions a posteriori of the one or two generations everyone can overview for himself and an even a more shortsighted five-year plan view based upon nothing but a classical cui bono thinking exclusively for political and economical reasons.


I thus fear that we'll read much about contrarieties and less that's consensual...



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Well it's obvious humans have had an impact on Earth,but the planet herself has been in history been very chaotic place since the formation started 4.5billion years ago.

Some say global warming from human activity,but severe global warming happens without human activity at all and has. Whatever direction the earth's climate will be in it's remain years before the continents rejoin is huge. Just suspect when the next major shift happens expect a war of superpowers,but at last when this change happens also effects who might be in it. I am hoping that by time it happens it won't be over oil and that humanity has found once more another exploitable fuel.


With the recent Icelandic volcano activity I'm sure it brought up reminders of maybe another mini-ice-age,if I remember correctly it Mount Kilimanjaro when erupted caused a lot of sun to be blocked from heating the earth as much as it usually did. Leaving about a 200-300 year period of coldness that effect humans greatly.


I guess what I'm saying is not ever climate change is because of human activity as the Earth shown itself a chaotic planet still very much changing even more evidence is how many of today's deserts were once lush jungles or forests,but that dose not mean we should exactly not do anything to keep ourselves in check and lower our pollutions.


Whatever happens will happen we won't stop it so let us be rational and not let the situation get out of control with the start of World War 3.

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there is no getting away from the fact that global weather is changing, just in my lifetime the yearly weather patterns have gotten increasingly unpredictable, when I was young, everything was quite predictable, in summer, every day started out warm, humid, and sunny, with large cumulous clouds dappling the sky, getting more overcast as the day wore on, until in the laft afternoon you got a sudden rain downpour so reliable you could set your watch by it.


Now however, summer is noticeably hotter, with scorching sunlight, less humidity, and sudden, exceptionaly violent thunderstroms striking in a matter of hours. if not minutes, until a decade ago, floods were a one-in-a-century thing. in the last ten years however we had perhaps 6 floods inside the city perimetre, with several fatalities. usualy caused by "agressive" thunderstorms that form quickly, hover perhaps an hour in the late afternoon, then unleash a barrage of torrential rain, lashing high winds, fierce lighting and even autumn hail, followed by heavy, constant downpour for as much as a week at a time, with such storms appearing almost at random on summer afternoons.


Climate change is a major concern, this is just a sample of the effects Ive seen living in Brisbane, in subtropical central east coast of australia, but what should be done about it? well alot of people see this and say, cars are at fault, ban cars! others say that industry deserves the blame, for manufacturing dependancy and being so thoughtless in what damage they did to the environment. Yet more factions say this could well be an natural change, like those that happened during the prehistoric past and which dictated to a degree, the sea levels and effected evolution. Finaly, some say that poverty is the root of evil, for example deforestation in the Amazon being caused by illegal logging, inturn brought on by people not having any other way to feed their families.


But what do you people think? have your say, but please keep it civil, and obey forum rules, no religion, and no flaming, hate, or swearing at people for perceived ignorance, or for differening opinions


Climate change is real, sure. But in the 4.5 billion years of earth's existence it has changed many times over and will continue to do so long after our species is extinct. It doesn't matter really, when seen in perspective and in light of the vastness of geological time and insignficance of our own species.

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Unfortunately, the modern man has heavily influenced the natural cycle of climate change. And the effect is accumulative, the result irreversible.

Trivial ostrich policy in the sense of "everything is quite normal and God-given" is here... huuh ... close, but no banana!



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Unfortunately, the modern man has heavily influenced the natural cycle of climate change. And the effect is accumulative, the result irreversible.

Trivial ostrich policy in the sense of "everything is quite normal and God-given" is here... huuh ... close, but no banana!




Normal? What is normal? All I said is that climate change doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things; it was going on 4.5 billion years before us.

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But climate change can have a major effects on the modern countries that forces us to go to war for what could have been abundant,but now scarce we fight over it. It's not a matter of if but how and when will the climate change and in general being prepared for it would be wise and something all countries should do. Especially in day where technology is advancing very rapidly just being able to guess what could happen in know amount of time can prepare us to not be hurt so bad. The human species has proven to be very versatile and adaptable,but knowing what's needed is key in future survival.
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Unfortunately, the modern man has heavily influenced the natural cycle of climate change. And the effect is accumulative, the result irreversible.

Trivial ostrich policy in the sense of "everything is quite normal and God-given" is here... huuh ... close, but no banana!




Normal? What is normal? All I said is that climate change doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things; it was going on 4.5 billion years before us.


Your ancestors were already driving a car 4.5 billiion years ago, taking planes quarterly and working in the industry etc. pp., right? Or are you a Mormon still living in the pre-industrial epoch and thus indeed dismissed as complice, as one of us?

Normal is the change in climate caused by planetary means, the cyclic shift of the poles, the streams and so on.

Our blame is to have negatively influenced this natural course of events since the midst of the 19th century, no more, no less.


Ignorance is no strength, my friend.

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Considering that there wasn't even the simplest of life at 4.5,and it wasn't till about another billion years that even simple life would start,but he dose sorta have a point that it's gonna happen and it wont matter we can only try and make it less worse over time. Although the damage has been done and we just gotta live with it and be prepared for what's to come.


Now I sound like the doomsday crazies...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Even the natural weather patterns can be somewhat chaotic. Get one warmer day in the winter and people say its global warming, but then 2 days later when the ice storm hits and its record low temperatures for the next week. And some of the information gathered trying to prove a case for global warming has either been flat out wrong, or purposely falsified for political reasons. All I know is the weather is just as un-predictable and chaotic as I can ever remember it being. I seriously doubt averages over a few decades or even a hundred years really have any relevance to the climate of the Earth that has been changing for all 4.5 billion years it has existed. Humans do not influence or control the weather, we are at its mercy.
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