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Khornate Sword


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Gah, it's brilliant! Just brilliant!


@Trivek: Got the C.S.? Just look through the weapons list, pickout the Fine Steel Claymore. Double click it. Checlk the name at the top, it should say wepsteelclaymorefine. Change that to something like aamyclaymore. Then, look at the menu. On the right top, above a picture of the icon, you'll see a raised area that says weapons/steel/claymore/fine. Click it; it'll ask you to select a mesh. Find the folder marked Khorne, and double click the file in it.


Then rename it, and fiddle with the power and speed all you like!


Save, allow it to make a new sword (it will asK), then go to the Cell View window. Select someplace like the aleswell inn, and drop the sword into it (by dragging).


Save it with a sensible name, like aamykhornesword, and you're done!

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ehh dont ahve C.S. sadly not yet at least hopefully getting it soon butnot sure at all thx though



Hey uberman...want another mod to work on? if so i have a request maybe you would do^^

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Well, the latest C.S. is here on the NExus, free for download, so...


Anyway, you got another request, start another thread.


#Uberman: Man, the sword is sweet! I'm swinging it now, and the blood is flowing. I'll endorse it when I'm able. One thing, though: the hilt needs to be a little longer; say two or three of a characters finger lengths (or add about a quarter of it's current length on top of it), because the hand isn't holding everything.


Other than that, it's AWESOME!

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This thread is not the place to discuss it! Anyway, it's gone because you bumped the thread. It isn't allowed.


So mind both your manners and the rules, and you'll be fine.


Anyway, Ubermann, if you do get a chance to work on thw sword some more, could we possibley get a brass skull as the pommel?

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I was nearly done... THEN MY PC crashed..

30 mins of work gone..

(Also adding some other modders resource)



Food For the Food god!

Or is it Blood For the Blood God?

I Forgets


Wait! I remember Beer for the Beer god!

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You know, I think I'm enjoying weapon modeling. I don't think I'm quite ready to make one from scratch, yet, though.


A skill point well spent!


Blood for the Blood God, Porn for the Porn God, Magic for the Magic God, and.. gross boils for the Plague God!

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