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Improvements I'm very surprised haven't been made yet


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-Improved foliage

The foliage in Oblivion is horrendous. I know there's a mod that fixes a couple variants, but the vast majority are still terrible.

-Complete retexture

Qarls comes close, but I'm also talking about weapons, armor, and clothing.

-Complete overhaul of nearly every animation

One is being worked on now, and it looks promising, but I'm surprised it hasn't been done yet.

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Improved Foliage:

Natural Environments - This fixes the foliage (Among other things), and I think it does a very good job at it too.



Gathering all in one wouldn't be as good, as people want different things so:

Qarl's Texture Pack III

The Oblivion Texture Overhaul - This is not a mod itself, but a guide to many different texture mods.



You are probably referring to UK47's animation mod, which is in the works. :)

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If you don't really like Oblivion, maybe you shouldn't play it.


You might want to download Gimp, Blender, and a bunch of other things. You can read a bunch of tutorials and jump in and start retexturing things. Later on you can start changing models and maybe someday actually become an animator. If you do this, you will gain valuable insights about why all of these changes to Oblivion have not been made.

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Yes, these things are technically possible. Unfortunately, the improvements you want would kill the FPS on even high end computers. Good graphics take a lot of processing power. Great graphics take a horrendous amount of processing power. When Oblivion first came out, the graphics were considered bleeding edge and if set to high would bring a good computer to a standstill. Both computers and rendering engines have vastly improved since then. Hopefully a newer game engine will make these kind of graphics improvements at least feasible in future games. :thumbsup:


And whoever makes them will have to dedicate a good chunk of their life doing it. :confused:

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