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Capture instead of death?


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You know, I was thinking, why should you always die when fighting bandits, conjurers or marauders, perhaps even Xivilai? Why not have the chance of being "knocked out" instead, stripped of your equipment (except Quest Items) and placed in a container that works similar to the Evidence one (minus an item or two and a considerable amount of gold, split amongst your captors), have some irons slapped on you, and kept in makeshift cells or be sold to slavers going from camp to camp while you plan your escape? Not to mention, you still get the random skill increases when incarcerated?


Perhaps even a random chance of rescue by vigilantes, adventurers, guild members, or the Imperial Legion? Or saving/meeting captives in your own misadventures?


And if you "die" in a town... Well, either the chapel will take pity on you and bring you back to consciousness (and you're "persuaded" to donate to them), a kindly townsperson will take you into their home, or if you've done a crime you'll wake up in jail.


So yeah, it's mostly a scripting mod, and I can help with mesh, trig, and NPC placement in the mod if needed.

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sounds really good i always though it was annoying for me to run in on a group of bandits and not even realize then get owned and havent saved in forever..would much rather do it this way!
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this would be really hard to do


Lets say you get captured in Bravil right ? Well you would have to create a cell near bravil where the player will be captured


Lets say you were in the Jerall mountains and you get captured by bandits You would have to be moved to a cell near that area and what if the cell is really far away maybe even close to Bruma ? Players would not be happy becaause they would have to make the long trek back up to the mountain slope all the way back to Dive rock just to kill their adoring fan.It would also interfere with companions becasue suddenly moving the player will cause them to follow you all around the map and Ai problems could happen resulting in the player being stuck in a " Wander state "


It could be done but a lot of scripting and cell creation would have to be done unless your planning on just moving the player to ONE spot which would be surprisingly easy


There are a lot of mods that do this Ther is one that if you get close to death , it teleports you to a random Oblivion gate and the only way to get back is to close the gate. Something similiar like beating the Head bandit or marauder when you are captured would work and when you kill the leader they drop the key which gaines you freedom


This is a good idea though

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Well, by "cells" I don't mean worldspaces, but actual pens, barred cells, and if someone wants to get ambitious, actual "working" wrist irons and collars that keep the player from simply running away when you wake up. Oblivion has a special Jail marker, and by creating a new marker by using that as a skeleton, I'm certain they can be used as references when the player becomes unconscious.


Who you are knocked out by also determines how you are treated - Vampires, for example, will use you as a "blood bank" to feed on, so they treat you a little better than, say, bandits, or won't try to ritually sacrifice you, like necromancers, Mythic Dawn, or conjurers.

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