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What are people's opinions here on Mass Effect 2?


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Did you talked to them later? Sometimes you could talk to them after and with high paragon/renegade you can convince them to be loyal.


I did. It has to be a bug, I mean my renegade score was complete maxed out...makes no sense.


Well, I have a paragon character about to pick up Legion so we'll see.

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Just beat the game with a Soldier. This is the most powerful class; no doubt about it, whatsoever. Adrenalin Rush is amazing and the Soldier is a better sniper than the Infiltrator...which I would rank 2nd. I completely owned almost every enemy with the Soldier...in terms of DPS and effectiveness, definitely number one...kind of boring though as all you do is fire guns. Now will finally get to the Engineer...I think this might be a hard class to play but it could be interesting. I am always willing to play a class once. So far though, it terms of kick-ass-ability, Soldier DEFINITELY wins...
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Soldiers are boring, that's why I never finished mine in the first game. It got to where I could just tank anything and everything. My biotic was definitely more of a challenge. I was getting one-shotted by snipers up until I got Colossus armor. In return for enduring all that, though, I eventually was able to lift frigging *tanks* off the ground and unleash pwnage the like of which soldiers could only dream of.


Then I got nerfed in the second game. >.<


Fortunately I've found (and even made) some mods to fix some of the problems. Unfortunately, the shared cooldown issue, the biggest nerf to ever nerf, seems to be unfixable without completely disabling cooldowns.

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The universal cool downs are important because the cool downs are faster and stops constant spams. Speaking of spams... well there is one improvement that I'm happy of and that is biotic spams from the enemy. ME biotics constant warping and throwing and charging while in ME2 is more improved.
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They give you the ability to synergize powers (singularity + warp = kaboom!) and then make it damn near impossible, or just plain useless to do because by the time the cooldown's up, the singularity's either gone or the enemies it caught are dead. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.


And so what if the cooldown's shorter? The global cooldown absolutely destroys the versatility of a power-dependent class such as a pure Biotic or Tech and far from stopping spamming, makes the spamming of warp and singularity pretty much required as they're now the only powers worth burning the cooldown for. Although admittedly singularity is, IMO, hands down the best power in either game so I make heavy use of it ANYWAY, at least in ME1 I used my other ones too!


In ME1, if I got low on health or overheated my weapon, I could take cover or pop a barrier, and fire off powers. ME2, my only option is to abandon my squad and hide somewhere like a coward for a while.


I vastly prefer the combat mechanics in ME1. Gimme ME2 with ME1 gameplay pl0x! Frogger, omnigel, heat (better yet a fusion of ME1 heat and ME2 thermal clips: your current clip regens if you stop, but if you use it up you toss it!), and separate cooldowns!

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They give you the ability to synergize powers (singularity + warp = kaboom!) and then make it damn near impossible, or just plain useless to do because by the time the cooldown's up, the singularity's either gone or the enemies it caught are dead. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.


And so what if the cooldown's shorter? The global cooldown absolutely destroys the versatility of a power-dependent class such as a pure Biotic or Tech and far from stopping spamming, makes the spamming of warp and singularity pretty much required as they're now the only powers worth burning the cooldown for. Although admittedly singularity is, IMO, hands down the best power in either game so I make heavy use of it ANYWAY, at least in ME1 I used my other ones too!


In ME1, if I got low on health or overheated my weapon, I could take cover or pop a barrier, and fire off powers. ME2, my only option is to abandon my squad and hide somewhere like a coward for a while.


I vastly prefer the combat mechanics in ME1. Gimme ME2 with ME1 gameplay pl0x! Frogger, omnigel, heat (better yet a fusion of ME1 heat and ME2 thermal clips: your current clip regens if you stop, but if you use it up you toss it!), and separate cooldowns!


I am surprised at this. Everyone seems to agree that at least combat has been improved for ME2. Greatly so.

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Those people who say that obviously play soldiers. Or they are masochists. Combat is definitely more challenging.


Heck, I even prefer the cover mechanics from ME1 to ME2. ME2 seems to be quite picky about where I have to be before it'll let me pop out to shoot.

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I play as infiltrator and I have to time my attacks now. No more singularity + warp.


In all honesty (in ME2), even though it is the most 'interesting', the Adept is the weakest class (especially on Insanity). The powers are not that powerful (but interesting) and well, meh. It's fun though but quite a challenge. Right now, doing my last class playthrough as an Engineer and I have to say that I am very surprised. The Engineer (with her combat drone) is very effective.


The story between Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 is planned to be told through DLC for Mass Effect 2.[6]


BTW, any word on when this DLC will be coming out?

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