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What are people's opinions here on Mass Effect 2?


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I just finished replaying ME1 and Im not going to even bother with ME2.


After some thought and a lot of wasted time Ive finaly decided to ditch the franchise-simply because the problem I dont like about it arent likely to be fixed in the second and Im not going to basicaly bet that they are. Dont get me wrong, its a great game, but damn, the aesthetics, especialy for armor look like they were designed to some sort of fetishist-with a female character, it would be physicaly impossible to make an outfit any tighter or more horrible. The combat was mind shatteringly bad, a terrible wedlok child of a wannabe gears of war and halo, with limp unresponsive controls and for the class I played, absolutely no powers or abilities to spice it up. You simply go in, aim, fire a bunch of shots, see the geth fall over and leave. Or maybe you'll be lucky and its psychic terrorists, or giant earthworms. You dont even get rewarded for accuracy or punished for spraying. I like to have to aim, and Im normaly the team sniper, but I dropped my sniper rifle after I found there was no point in sniping-a headshot is just another hit, likewise missing has no penalty as everything has infinite ammo and fires very rapidly.


I really think that Ive come into this from the wrong angle and with the wrong experience, but Im still going to post this because criticism is needed and it can only improve something. Overall I felt like the soldier class was a tacked on afterthought, its laughably unbalanced(can kill everything) has only 1 power, a super powered shot, and a heal, thats it. The weapons dont really have much variety, a good tsunami assault rifle will see you till endgame and you can get through the whole thing simply by adding more soldiers. The artsyle and outfits as I said earlier were a major turnoff, its the 23rd century, surely the idea of imaginative clothing isnt dead, and besides, the point of clothing is to cover your body and protect modesty-those armours, especialy light armour, leave absolutely nothing to be imagined. That and, it was all the same identicle 3 skins with diferent and often aweful colours, and thats just lazy bad design.


The characters were OK, but I wanted more ability to customise my own persona, I felt locked into a pre defined role with only very limited ability to choose moral actions and appearance. I think faces didnt look remotely human, worse event than oblivion's with downright wierd profile shots, especialy on Udina, Ashley and Anderson, with no emotional expression whatsoever and extremely wierd eye tracking glitches where frequently female character's eyelids either stretch past the cheekbones, or roll the character's eye back into their skull, finaly, I got sick of enemies not even rotating when in combat-they just face one direction and fire sideways.


Overall its a very good game, but I didnt enjoy it very much, regret buying it, and feel like bioware put all the effort into engine, environment, and graphics, and perhaps had a rushed schedual, leaving what felt like a rushed, poorly polished product, without biotics or tech to distract me, I often felt like I was slaughtering robots pointlessly, and eventualy it got so tedious I ended up putting it down several times mid game.

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Like strike said, the graphics are not bad but if you are hoping for patches I must warn you that BW doesn't support ME anymore with patches and there are only two DLC (just for the heads up). Besides it will start the story and you can pretty much finish the game in two or three days (If you're fast enough) and you pretty much understand why some people of the official forums are displeased at BW for ME2 (which is pretty much ridiculous if you ask me, but still...).


I agree with that last part, ME2 was not a dissappointment, its one of the best games around in its genre. Some people just don't know a good game if you ask me.


Yes, I frikkin' love this game. I am finally at the collector base, do or die time.... :thumbsup:


Already? God you speed freak!


Good luck, and its intense isn't it? Is your heart beating?



Don't you love the opening scene of when you enter the Omega 4 relay? I love it when Joker freaks out because there is an immediate field of debris threatening to demolish the Normandy. Then you have those annoying laser bots. And then the Normandy crashes which got me thinking the first time"Dear god its over, their going to kill us! LOL! ;D I love this game so much."



Yes, that last mission is super intense. I just beat it. The music is awesome, the speech he gave was too. Here are my thoughts aftet beating the game:


I played through on insanity on EVERYTHING except two parts of the final mission; the heat valves because I just couldn't take the collectors out in time to prevent Tali from frying and she was beginning to annoy me, I mean she keeps screaming to not let her hang and stuff and well, I wasn't I was too busy fighting off dozens of collectors so I just wanted to finish that part and switched it up to normal. Then the final mission husk battles; even being an Adept with singularity, there were just too many of them; I tried 20 times but they always managed to get through my line of fire and beat me down...maybe a different class might of had a better chance. I don't know but I switched it to normal for the husks on the final mission (though not the other ones in the game). The final final battle was easy...I just spammed Throw knocking the collectors off the the platforms and also discovered a bit late that the cool down on that power is half that of Warp, which is more powerful but you can keep on doing Throws that way...hmm. No one died, even though Miranda was not loyal (I never was able to get her to talk to me again, oh wel, first playthrough; wil do at least 5 others one with each class and maybe more playing a chick Shepard).


Now I am wondering if Cerberus is going to hunt me down in Mass Effect 3 since I chose to blow up everything and the Illusive man was very angry with me...I am almost sure it will have an impact on the next game...ok, that's that for now...will see if this completion bonus thing is true....


My first playthrough was not good.



Legion and Miranda died, but everyone else including Shepard pulled through. I also kept the Collector base. In my second playthrough, everyone lived and I blew it up.



I give the game five stars(out of 5) it was very impressive. :thumbsup:


I am playing again as a Vanguard....very, very difficult to implement in combat so far, especially after being an Adept with his target seeking powers....

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Ohhh... Miranda is going to betray you in ME3. As for Cerberus, they wont hunt you, they will just be pissed at you. (That's my personal opinion)


You say that with such certainty....is that an insider piece of info? Why will she betray me then?

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Ohhh... Miranda is going to betray you in ME3. As for Cerberus, they wont hunt you, they will just be pissed at you. (That's my personal opinion)


You say that with such certainty....is that an insider piece of info? Why will she betray me then?


I hardly doubt it.



I mean she spent two years reviving you so.....


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You know that it was a joke but you are going to transfer your char to ME3 anyway, so there have to be some consequences if people are not loyal to you.
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I just finished replaying ME1 and Im not going to even bother with ME2.


After some thought and a lot of wasted time Ive finaly decided to ditch the franchise-simply because the problem I dont like about it arent likely to be fixed in the second and Im not going to basicaly bet that they are. Dont get me wrong, its a great game, but damn, the aesthetics, especialy for armor look like they were designed to some sort of fetishist-with a female character, it would be physicaly impossible to make an outfit any tighter or more horrible. The combat was mind shatteringly bad, a terrible wedlok child of a wannabe gears of war and halo, with limp unresponsive controls and for the class I played, absolutely no powers or abilities to spice it up. You simply go in, aim, fire a bunch of shots, see the geth fall over and leave. Or maybe you'll be lucky and its psychic terrorists, or giant earthworms. You dont even get rewarded for accuracy or punished for spraying. I like to have to aim, and Im normaly the team sniper, but I dropped my sniper rifle after I found there was no point in sniping-a headshot is just another hit, likewise missing has no penalty as everything has infinite ammo and fires very rapidly.


I really think that Ive come into this from the wrong angle and with the wrong experience, but Im still going to post this because criticism is needed and it can only improve something. Overall I felt like the soldier class was a tacked on afterthought, its laughably unbalanced(can kill everything) has only 1 power, a super powered shot, and a heal, thats it. The weapons dont really have much variety, a good tsunami assault rifle will see you till endgame and you can get through the whole thing simply by adding more soldiers. The artsyle and outfits as I said earlier were a major turnoff, its the 23rd century, surely the idea of imaginative clothing isnt dead, and besides, the point of clothing is to cover your body and protect modesty-those armours, especialy light armour, leave absolutely nothing to be imagined. That and, it was all the same identicle 3 skins with diferent and often aweful colours, and thats just lazy bad design.


The characters were OK, but I wanted more ability to customise my own persona, I felt locked into a pre defined role with only very limited ability to choose moral actions and appearance. I think faces didnt look remotely human, worse event than oblivion's with downright wierd profile shots, especialy on Udina, Ashley and Anderson, with no emotional expression whatsoever and extremely wierd eye tracking glitches where frequently female character's eyelids either stretch past the cheekbones, or roll the character's eye back into their skull, finaly, I got sick of enemies not even rotating when in combat-they just face one direction and fire sideways.


Overall its a very good game, but I didnt enjoy it very much, regret buying it, and feel like bioware put all the effort into engine, environment, and graphics, and perhaps had a rushed schedual, leaving what felt like a rushed, poorly polished product, without biotics or tech to distract me, I often felt like I was slaughtering robots pointlessly, and eventualy it got so tedious I ended up putting it down several times mid game.


It's ok that you didn't like it. Sometimes bad experience can't change a person's opinion of a game. I didn't like counter strike and all the medal of honour/Call of Duty franchise (hate them with passion). I also don't like Crysis (it broke my computer, really it did) and MMO's (I hate Multiplayer all together). BW did almost had a rush schedule as MS wanted ME out for the holidays but the took their time with ME2 and now with ME3. For BWs part you have to hand it to them that it is their first time with shooters and they have done it really well. ME2 has improved combat a lot and if you are interested, then try the demo (I'm not trying to push you, just letting you keep an open mind) but like I said at the beginning if you didn't like it, then I understand.

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I just finished replaying ME1 and Im not going to even bother with ME2.


After some thought and a lot of wasted time Ive finaly decided to ditch the franchise-simply because the problem I dont like about it arent likely to be fixed in the second and Im not going to basicaly bet that they are. Dont get me wrong, its a great game, but damn, the aesthetics, especialy for armor look like they were designed to some sort of fetishist-with a female character, it would be physicaly impossible to make an outfit any tighter or more horrible. The combat was mind shatteringly bad, a terrible wedlok child of a wannabe gears of war and halo, with limp unresponsive controls and for the class I played, absolutely no powers or abilities to spice it up. You simply go in, aim, fire a bunch of shots, see the geth fall over and leave. Or maybe you'll be lucky and its psychic terrorists, or giant earthworms. You dont even get rewarded for accuracy or punished for spraying. I like to have to aim, and Im normaly the team sniper, but I dropped my sniper rifle after I found there was no point in sniping-a headshot is just another hit, likewise missing has no penalty as everything has infinite ammo and fires very rapidly.


I really think that Ive come into this from the wrong angle and with the wrong experience, but Im still going to post this because criticism is needed and it can only improve something. Overall I felt like the soldier class was a tacked on afterthought, its laughably unbalanced(can kill everything) has only 1 power, a super powered shot, and a heal, thats it. The weapons dont really have much variety, a good tsunami assault rifle will see you till endgame and you can get through the whole thing simply by adding more soldiers. The artsyle and outfits as I said earlier were a major turnoff, its the 23rd century, surely the idea of imaginative clothing isnt dead, and besides, the point of clothing is to cover your body and protect modesty-those armours, especialy light armour, leave absolutely nothing to be imagined. That and, it was all the same identicle 3 skins with diferent and often aweful colours, and thats just lazy bad design.


The characters were OK, but I wanted more ability to customise my own persona, I felt locked into a pre defined role with only very limited ability to choose moral actions and appearance. I think faces didnt look remotely human, worse event than oblivion's with downright wierd profile shots, especialy on Udina, Ashley and Anderson, with no emotional expression whatsoever and extremely wierd eye tracking glitches where frequently female character's eyelids either stretch past the cheekbones, or roll the character's eye back into their skull, finaly, I got sick of enemies not even rotating when in combat-they just face one direction and fire sideways.


Overall its a very good game, but I didnt enjoy it very much, regret buying it, and feel like bioware put all the effort into engine, environment, and graphics, and perhaps had a rushed schedual, leaving what felt like a rushed, poorly polished product, without biotics or tech to distract me, I often felt like I was slaughtering robots pointlessly, and eventualy it got so tedious I ended up putting it down several times mid game.


It's ok that you didn't like it. Sometimes bad experience can't change a person's opinion of a game. I didn't like counter strike and all the medal of honour/Call of Duty franchise (hate them with passion). I also don't like Crysis (it broke my computer, really it did) and MMO's (I hate Multiplayer all together). BW did almost had a rush schedule as MS wanted ME out for the holidays but the took their time with ME2 and now with ME3. For BWs part you have to hand it to them that it is their first time with shooters and they have done it really well. ME2 has improved combat a lot and if you are interested, then try the demo (I'm not trying to push you, just letting you keep an open mind) but like I said at the beginning if you didn't like it, then I understand.


I have watched vanguard guide videos, etc...but damn, using charge as a proper power and then...well, I find playing the vanguard class very difficult. Most of the time I just end up bunkered down in a fire fight until I take the enemy down...oh well...have you played a vanguard?

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I just finished replaying ME1 and Im not going to even bother with ME2.


After some thought and a lot of wasted time Ive finaly decided to ditch the franchise-simply because the problem I dont like about it arent likely to be fixed in the second and Im not going to basicaly bet that they are. Dont get me wrong, its a great game, but damn, the aesthetics, especialy for armor look like they were designed to some sort of fetishist-with a female character, it would be physicaly impossible to make an outfit any tighter or more horrible. The combat was mind shatteringly bad, a terrible wedlok child of a wannabe gears of war and halo, with limp unresponsive controls and for the class I played, absolutely no powers or abilities to spice it up. You simply go in, aim, fire a bunch of shots, see the geth fall over and leave. Or maybe you'll be lucky and its psychic terrorists, or giant earthworms. You dont even get rewarded for accuracy or punished for spraying. I like to have to aim, and Im normaly the team sniper, but I dropped my sniper rifle after I found there was no point in sniping-a headshot is just another hit, likewise missing has no penalty as everything has infinite ammo and fires very rapidly.


I really think that Ive come into this from the wrong angle and with the wrong experience, but Im still going to post this because criticism is needed and it can only improve something. Overall I felt like the soldier class was a tacked on afterthought, its laughably unbalanced(can kill everything) has only 1 power, a super powered shot, and a heal, thats it. The weapons dont really have much variety, a good tsunami assault rifle will see you till endgame and you can get through the whole thing simply by adding more soldiers. The artsyle and outfits as I said earlier were a major turnoff, its the 23rd century, surely the idea of imaginative clothing isnt dead, and besides, the point of clothing is to cover your body and protect modesty-those armours, especialy light armour, leave absolutely nothing to be imagined. That and, it was all the same identicle 3 skins with diferent and often aweful colours, and thats just lazy bad design.


The characters were OK, but I wanted more ability to customise my own persona, I felt locked into a pre defined role with only very limited ability to choose moral actions and appearance. I think faces didnt look remotely human, worse event than oblivion's with downright wierd profile shots, especialy on Udina, Ashley and Anderson, with no emotional expression whatsoever and extremely wierd eye tracking glitches where frequently female character's eyelids either stretch past the cheekbones, or roll the character's eye back into their skull, finaly, I got sick of enemies not even rotating when in combat-they just face one direction and fire sideways.


Overall its a very good game, but I didnt enjoy it very much, regret buying it, and feel like bioware put all the effort into engine, environment, and graphics, and perhaps had a rushed schedual, leaving what felt like a rushed, poorly polished product, without biotics or tech to distract me, I often felt like I was slaughtering robots pointlessly, and eventualy it got so tedious I ended up putting it down several times mid game.


It's ok that you didn't like it. Sometimes bad experience can't change a person's opinion of a game. I didn't like counter strike and all the medal of honour/Call of Duty franchise (hate them with passion). I also don't like Crysis (it broke my computer, really it did) and MMO's (I hate Multiplayer all together). BW did almost had a rush schedule as MS wanted ME out for the holidays but the took their time with ME2 and now with ME3. For BWs part you have to hand it to them that it is their first time with shooters and they have done it really well. ME2 has improved combat a lot and if you are interested, then try the demo (I'm not trying to push you, just letting you keep an open mind) but like I said at the beginning if you didn't like it, then I understand.


I have watched vanguard guide videos, etc...but damn, using charge as a proper power and then...well, I find playing the vanguard class very difficult. Most of the time I just end up bunkered down in a fire fight until I take the enemy down...oh well...have you played a vanguard?


Play as an infiltrator, it's much easier. :yes:

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